Unit One
1. The Pleasure ofLearning
2. Coplng with Santa Claus
3. On the Shoulders of aHero
Unit Two
4. Not Poor, Just Broke
5. Blacks Return to Africa ButUS Is Home
6. Raymond Carver, Mentor
Unit Three
7. My Mother's Dreamfor Me
8. "I KnowWhat's Right for My Son".
9. Be Scared for YourKids
Unit Four
10. Anytlme, Anywhere -- But Beware
11. Cuttlng Loose
12. The Web Is the Most Conservative Force on Earth
Unit Five
13. MyOwn Experlence
14. The Day I Was Fat
15. Flyincg Blind
Unit Six
16.To Be or Not To Be Single
17. Do Teenagers Need Full-Tlme Mums?Oplnlons Vary
18. Thls Is How She Does It
Unit Seven
19. MotherTongue
20. Lost in Translatlon
21. Languagle: A Reflectlon of LlfeIn the U.S
Unit Eight
22. The Disinteg, rating Web -The Causes andConsequences ofExtinction
23. But a Watch in the Nlglht: AScientific Fable
24. The Price We Pay
Key toComprehension Exercise 1 of the Texts