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书名 连续与离散时间信号与系统(英文版)/图灵原版电子与电气工程系列
作者 (加)曼达尔//阿赛夫
出版社 人民邮电出版社







Part I Introduction to signals and systems 

1 Introduction to signals 

 1.1 Classification of signals 

 1.2 Elementary signals 

 1.3 Signal operations 

 1.4 Signal implementation with MATLAB 

 1.5 Summary 


2 Introduction to systems 

 2.1 Examples of systems 

 2.2 Classification of systems

 2.3 Interconnection of systems 

 2.4 Summary 



Part II Continuous-time signals and systems 

3 Time-domain analysis of LTIC systems 

 3.1 Representation of LTIC systems 

 3.2 Representation of signals using Dirac delta functions 

 3.3 Impulse response of a system 

 3.4 Convolution integral

 3.5 Graphical method for evaluating the convolution integral 

 3.6 Properties of the convolution integral

 3.7 Impulse response of LTIC systems 

 3.8 Experiments with MATLAB

 3.9 Summary 


4 Signal representation using Fourier series 

 4.1 Orthogonal vector space 

 4.2 Orthogonal signal space 

 4.3 Fourier basis functions 

 4.4 Trigonometric CTFS 

 4.5 Exponential Fourier series

 4.6 Properties of exponential CTFS 

 4.7 Existence of Fourier series 

 4.8 Application of Fourier series 

 4.9 Summary 


5 Continuous-time Fourier transform 

 5.1 CTFT for aperiodic signals 

 5.2 Examples of CTFT 

 5.3 Inverse Fourier transform 

 5.4 Fourier transform of real, even, and odd functions 

 5.5 Properties of the CTFT 

 5.6 Existence of the CTFT

 5.7 CTFT of periodic functions 

 5.8 CTFS coefficients as samples of CTFT 

 5.9 LTIC systems analysis using CTFT 

 5.10 MATLAB exercises 

 5.11 Summary 


6 Laplace transform

 6.1 Analytical development 

 6.2 Unilateral Laplace transform 

 6.3 Inverse Laplace transform 

 6.4 Properties of the Laplace transform

 6.5 Solution of differential equations 

 6.6 Characteristic equation, zeros, and poles 

 6.7 Properties of the ROC 

 6.8 Stable and causal LTIC systems 

 6.9 LTIC systems analysis using Laplace transform

 6.10 Block diagram representations 

 6.11 Summary 


7 Continuous-time filters 

 7.1 Filter classification 

 7.2 Non-ideal filter characteristics 

 7.3 Design of CT lowpass filters 

 7.4 Frequency transformations 

 7.5 Summary 


8 Case studies for CT systems 

 8.1 Amplitude modulation of baseband signals

 8.2 Mechanical spring damper system 

 8.3 Armature-controlled dc motor 

 8.4 Immune system in humans 

 8.5 Summary 



Part III Discrete-time signals and systems 

9 Sampling and quantization 

 9.1 Ideal impulse-train sampling 

 9.2 Practical approaches to sampling

 9.3 Quantization 

 9.4 Compact disks 

 9.5 Summary 


10 Time-domain analysis of discrete-time systems systems 

 10.1 Finite-difference equation representation of LTID systems 

 10.2 Representation of sequences using Dirac delta functions

 10.3 Impulse response of a system

 10.4 Convolution sum 

 10.5 Graphical method for evaluating the convolution sum

 10.6 Periodic convolution 

 10.7 Properties of the convolution sum 

 10.8 Impulse response of LTID systems 

 10.9 Experiments with MATLAB 

 10.10 Summary 


11 Discrete-time Fourier series and transform 

 11.1 Discrete-time Fourier series 

 11.2 Fourier transform for aperiodic functions

 11.3 Existence of the DTFT 

 11.4 DTFT of periodic functions

 11.5 Properties of the DTFT and the DTFS 

 11.6 Frequency response of LTID systems 

 11.7 Magnitude and phase spectra 

 11.8 Continuous-and discrete-time Fourier transforms

 11.9 Summary 


12 Discrete Fourier transform 

 12.1 Continuous to discrete Fourier transform 

 12.2 Discrete Fourier transform

 12.3 Spectrum analysis using the DFT 

 12.4 Properties of the DFT 

 12.5 Convolution using the DFT 

 12.6 Fast Fourier transform 

 12.7 Summary 


13 The z-transform 

 13.1 Analytical development

 13.2 Unilateral z-transform 

 13.3 Inverse z-transform 

 13.4 Properties of the z-transform

 13.5 Solution of difference equations

 13.6 z-transfer function of LTID systems

 13.7 Relationship between Laplace and z-transforms

 13.8 Stabilty analysis in the z-domain

 13.9 Frequency-response calculation in the z-domain

 13.10 DTFT and the z-transform 

 13.11 Experiments with MATLAB

 13.12 Summary 


14 Digital filters 

 14.1 Filter classification 

 14.2 FIR and IIR filters 

 14.3 Phase of a digital filter

 14.4 Ideal versus non-ideal filters 

 14.5 Filter realization 

 14.6 FIR filters 

 14.7 IIR filters 

 14.8 Finite precision effect 

 14.9 MATLAB examples

 14.10 Summary


15 FIR filter design

 15.1 Lowpass filter design using windowing method

 15.2 Design of highpass filters using windowing

 15.3 Design of bandpass filters using windowing 

 15.4 Design of a bandstop filter using windowing

 15.5 Optimal FIR filters 

 15.6 MATLAB examples

 15.7 Summary


16 IIR filter design 

 16.1 IIR filter design principles

 16.2 Impulse invariance

 16.3 Bilinear transformation

 16.4 Designing highpass, bandpass, and bandstop IIR filters

 16.5 IIR and FIR filters

 16.6 Summary 


17 Applications of digital signal processing

 17.1 Spectral estimation 

 17.2 Digital audio 

 17.3 Audio filtering 

 17.4 Digital audio compression

 17.5 Digital images 

 17.6 Image filtering

 17.7 Image compression

 17.8 Summary 


Appendix A Mathematical preliminaries 

 A.1 Trigonometric identities

 A.2 Power series

 A.3 Series summation 

 A.4 Limits and differential calculus

 A.5 Indefinite integrals

Appendix B Introduction to the complex-number system

 B.1 Real-number system 

 B.2 Complex-number system 

 B.3 Graphical interpertation of complex numbers

 B.4 Polar representation of complex numbers

 B.5 Summary 


Appendix C Linear constant-coefficient differential equations

 C.1 Zero-input response 

 C.2 Zero-state response 

 C.3 Complete response

Appendix D Partial fraction expansion 

 D.1 Laplace transform 

 D.2 Continuous-time Fourier transform 

 D.3 Discrete-time Fourier transform 

 D.4 The z-transform 

Appendix E Introduction to MATLAB 

 E.1 Introduction

 E.2 Entering data into MATLAB 

 E.3 Control statements 

 E.4 Elementary matrix operations 

 E.5 Plotting functions 

 E.6 Creating MATLAB functions

 E.7 Summary 

Appendix F About the CD

 F.1 Interactive environment 

 F.2 Data

 F.3 MATLAB codes








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