troll UK [trəʊl/ UK [trɒl] US [troʊl] noun countable CREATURE 人 ■an imaginary, either very large or very small creature in traditional Scandinavian stories, that has magical powers and lives in mountains or caves (斯堪的纳维亚地区传说中的)山精,巨人,侏儒 UK [trəʊl/ UK [trɒl] US [troʊl] noun countable COMPUTING 计算 ■someone who leaves an intentionally annoying message on the Internet, in order to get attention or cause trouble (在网际网路上为吸引别人关注或捣乱)故意留下令人生气的帖子 ■a message that someone leaves on the Internet, which is intended to annoy people 网路怪论(某人留在网际网路上的资讯,目的是要让人感到烦闷)•A well-constructed troll will provoke irate or confused responses from flamers and newbies.精心策划的网路怪论会诱发易冲动的网友和网路新手作出种种回覆,有义愤填膺的,有充满困惑的。 UK [trəʊl/ UK [trɒl] US [troʊl] verb intransitive or transitive FISH 鱼 ■to try to catch fish by pulling a baited line through the water behind a boat 曳绳钓鱼,拖钓(在船后于水中拖曳一个带饵的鱼线以钓鱼)•Boats trolling for mackerel.采用曳绳钓鲭法的船 •They were trolling the colder waters of the Channel.他们在英吉利海峡的寒冷水域利用曳绳钓鱼。 UK [trəʊl/ UK [trɒl] US [troʊl] verb intransitive or transitive SEARCH 搜寻 mainly US to search among a large number or many different places in order to find people or information you want 搜寻,寻找•They are trolling the Internet for new customers.他们在网际网路上搜寻新顾客。 UK [trəʊl/ UK [trɒl] US [troʊl] verb intransitive or transitive COMPUTING 计算 ■to leave an insulting message on a part of the Internet for no reason (无缘由地在网际网路上某处)留下侮辱性的讯息•Getting trolled is one of the most annoying things about buying stuff on the Internet.在网际网路上购物,其中一件最令人讨厌的事情是被人无端留言辱骂。 |