clout [klaʊt] verb transitive informal ■to hit someone or something with the hand or with a heavy object (用手或重物)猛打,猛击,敲•Quigley clouted me smartly across the side of the head.奎格利狠狠地向我的头部一侧打了一巴掌。 [klaʊt] noun POWER 权力 uncountable ■power and influence over other people or events 权势;影响力•The Queen may have privilege but she has no real political clout.女王可以享有特权,但没有真正的政治权力。 [klaʊt] noun HIT 打击 countable informal ■when you hit someone or something with your hand or with a heavy object (用手或重物)猛打,猛击,敲•If the photocopier stops working, just give it a clout.要是影印机停止运转,拍它一下就好了。 |