作者Edward Denison是包装设计的专家,继之前出版的《Packaging Prototypes》大受好评之后,他出版了《More Packaging Prototypes》。该书可说是从事包装设计工作者不可或缺的工具参考书籍,书中不仅有系统的介绍了当今包装材质的演变与不同,也以相当多的照片为读者说明包装的特征与如何善用商品的背后意涵,利用包装为消费者说故事。
A follow-up to the successful Packaging Prototypes, More Packaging Prototypes acts a visual catalyst in the creation and production of exciting and innovative design. It is an invaluable tool for anyone working in packaging design. The diverse range of carton templates demonstrates the huge variety of packaging possibilities, and the beautifully photographed examples of the finished models inspire the imagination. Each design is accompanied by detailed notes that list its product suitability and distinguishing features. A system of icons provides quickly accessed information on a multiplicity of areas, from the design's ecological implications to its material suitability. Introductory text reviews the principles behind packaging, explores the concerns of packaging designers, and examines what makes a classic package. The various types of carton closure are detailed, and common materials listed.
Packaging: Insipid or Imperative?
The Roots of Packaging
The Different Purposes of Packaging
Packaging and the Environment
Classic Packages
Different Types of Closures
Packaging Materials
Icon Key
Line Key
Contributing Companies
Contributing Universities
Associations, Institutes, and Federations