Fforde's books are more than an ingenious idea. They are written with buoyant zest and are tautly plotted. They have empathetic heroes and heroines who nearly make terrible mistakes and suitably dastardly villains who do. They also have more twists and turns than Christie,and are embellished with the rich details of a Dickens or Pratchett. As Humpty Dumpty's life-story is revealed, the mystery becomes curiouser and curiouser, and the compulsion to find out what is going on increases. A real treat.
It's Easter in Reading - a bad time For eggs - and the shattered, tuxedo-clad corpse oF local businessman Humpty Stuyvesant Van Dumpty III has been Found lyingbeneath a wall in a shabby part oF town. Humpty was one oF life s good guys - so who would want him knocked off? And is it a coincidence that his ex-wife has just met with a sticky end down at the local biscuit Factory?
A hardened cop on the mean streets oF the Thames Valley s most dangerous precinct, DI Jack Spratt has seen it all, and something tells him this is going to be a tough case to crack...
1. Mary Mary
2. Jack Spratt
3. The Fall Guy
4. Mrs Hubbard, dogs & bones
5. Prometheus
6. Mrs Laura Dumpty
7. The Nursery Crime Division
8. The armoury
9. Back at the office
10. Charles Pewter
11. The Sacred Conga
12. St Cerebellum's
13. First on the right
14. Meeting the detective
15. Granny Spratt's displeasure
16. Mrs Singh turns the story
17. The enquiry begins
18. Lord Randolph Spongg IV
19. Solomon Grundy
20. Press conference
21. RIP Mrs Dumpty and 'the case . .. is dosed!'
22. Titans and beanstalks
23. Mary's doubts
24. Briggs v. Spratt
25. Goodnight, Wee Willie Winkie
26. Meet the Grundys
27. Perplexity, complexity
28. Castle Spongg
29. Lola Vavoom
30. Another press conference
31. Home sweet home
32. Giorgio Porgia
33. What Bessie Brooks had to say for herself
34. Investigated
35. Summing up
36. Refilling the jar
37. The man from the Guild
38. Lola Vavoom returns
39. The red Ford Zephyr
40. The Goring Foot Museum
41. Dr Horatio Carbuncle
42. Return to Castle Spongg
43. Loose ends
44. The end of the story