bold UK [bəʊld] US [boʊld] adjective BRAVE 勇敢的 ADVANCED ■brave; not fearing danger 勇敢的,无畏的•She was a bold and fearless climber.她是一位勇敢无畏的登山者。 •The newspaper made the bold move /took the bold step of publishing the names of the men involved.该报采取大胆行动,将有关人员的名字都公布了出来。
UK [bəʊld] US [boʊld] adjective NOTICEABLE 突出的 ■strong in colour or shape, and very noticeable to the eye 醒目的;显著的;色彩艳丽的;轮廓清晰的•They painted the kitchen in bold colours - crimson, purple and blue.他们用于粉刷厨房的油漆色彩鲜艳——有绯红色、紫红色和蓝色。 in bold (type/print) ■printed in thick dark letters 以黑体,以粗体•This sentence is printed in bold.这个句子是用粗体印刷的。
UK [bəʊld] US [boʊld] adjective NOT SHY 不害羞的 ■not shy, especially in a way that shows no respect 冒昧的;鲁莽的;放肆的•He was a bold and defiant little boy.他是一个又冒失又不听话的小男孩。 UK [bəʊld] US [boʊld] adjective (as) bold as brass ■with extreme confidence or without the respect or politeness people usually show 冒昧•She marched into the shop, as bold as brass, and demanded her money back.她厚着脸皮闯进商店要求把钱退给她。 UK [bəʊld] US [boʊld] adjective if I may be/make so bold (as to) old-fashioned formal ■a polite way of asking for or suggesting something when you do not want to offend someone 请允许我冒昧地…•If I may be so bold, you still haven't mentioned why you're here.请恕我唐突,您还没有说您为甚么在这里呢。 |