The exhibition by Phillip King is an example of collaboration among European institutions. From the outset, in fact, the British Council, the Henry Moore Foundation and the Yorkshire Sculpture Park have collaborated on the design and realization of this exhibition with the Cultural Department of the Commune of Florence and the other organizations involved in staging the event, Electa and Petra.
This involvement has been not just financial, but, significantly, concerned with the planning of the cultural event itself. It has been, therefore, a genuine concurrence of ideas and skills: the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, a prestigious institution that puts on exhibition of sculpture, has made available its own human and material resources, in close co-operation with our institutions. The Henry Moore Foundation, named after the great sculptor whose reputation was definitively sealed right here at the Forte di Belvedere, wanted to be involved in order to emphasise the return of a British sculptor to the Fort.
L'europeo Phillip King
The European Phillip King
Giovanni Carandente
Phillip King
Phillip King
Bryan Robertson
La scuhura di Phillip King
Phillip King's Sculpture
Richard Cork
Catalogo delle opere in mostra
Catalogue of Works in Exhibition