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书名 离散数学及其应用(第3版影印版)/海外优秀数学类教材系列丛书
分类 科学技术-自然科学-数学
作者 (美国)苏杉娜
出版社 高等教育出版社



Chapter 1 The Logic of Compound Statements  1

1.1 LogicalForm and LogicalEquivalence  1



re General Compound Statements;Logical Equivalence;Tautologies

and Contradictions;Summary ofLogical Equivalences

1.2 Conditional Statements  17

  Logical Equivalences Involving→:Representation ofIf-Then

As Or;The Negadon of a Conditional Statement;The Contrapositive

of a Conditional Statement;The Converse and Inverse of a

Conditional Statement;Only If and the Biconditional;Necessary and

Sufficient Conditions;Remarks

l. 3 Valid andInvalid Arguments  29

  Modus Ponens and Modus Tollens;Additional Valid Argument

Forms:Rules of

  Inference;Fallacies;Contradictions and Valid

Arguments;Summary of Rules of


1.4Application:Digital Logic Circuits 43

  Black Boxesand Gates;The Input/Output for a Circuit;The

Boolean Expression Cor-

  responding to a Circuit;The Circuit Corresponding to a

Boolean Expression;Finding

  a CircuitThatCorresponds to a

GivenInput/OutputTable;Simplifying Combinational

  Circuits;NAND and NOR Gares

1.5 Application:Number Systems and Circuits for Addition  


  Binary Representation of Numbers;Binary Addition and

Subtraction;Circuits for

Computer Addition;Two"s Complements and the Computer

Representation of Neg-

  ativeIntegers;8-Bit Representation of a

Number;ComputerAddition with Negative

  Integers;Hexadecimal Notation

Chapter 2 The Logic of Quantified Statements  75

2.1 Introduction to Predicates and Quantified Statements /  


  The Universal Quantifier:V:The Existential Quantifier:ョ

:Formal Versus Informal

  Language;Universal Conditional Statements;Equivalent

Forms ofthe Universal and

  Existential Statements;Implicit Quantification;Tarski"s


2.2 Introduction to Predicates and Quantified Statements II 88

  Negations of Quantified Statements;Negations of Universal

Conditional Statements;The Relation among V,ョ,∧,and V;Vacuous

Truth of Universal Statements;Variants

  0f Universal Conditional Statements;Necessal-y and

Sufficient Conditions,Only If

2.3 Statements Containing Multiple Quantifiers  97

  Translating from Informal to Formal Language;Ambiguous

Language;Negations of Multiply.Quantified Statements;Older of

Quantifiers;Formal Logical Notation;Prolog

2. 4 Arguments with Quantified Statements  111

  Universal MOdus Ponens;Use of Universal Modus Ponens in a

Proof;Universal Modus Tollens;proving Validity of Arguments with

Quantified Statements;Using Diagramsto

Test for Validity;Creating Additional Forms of Argument;Remark on

the Converse and Inverse Errors

Chapter 3 Elementary Number Theoryand Methods ofProof  125

3.1 Direct Proofand Counterexample h Introduction  126

  Definitions;Provlag Existential Statements;Disproving

Universal Statements by

  Counterexample;Proving Universal Statements;Directions

for Writing Proofs of

  Universal Statements;Common Mistakes;Getting Proofs

Started;Showing That an

  Existential Statement Is False;Conjecture,Proof,and


  3.2 Direct Proofand Counterexample II Rational Numbers  141

  More on Generalizing from the Generic Particular;Proving

Properties of Rational

  Numbers;Deriving New Mathematics from Old

3.3 Direct Proof and Counterexample IIh Divisibility  148

  Pmving Properties of Divisibility;Counterexamples and

Divisibility;The Unique

  Factorization Theorem

3.4 Direct Proof and Counterexample IV: Division into Cases

and the Quotient-Remainder Theorem  156

  Discussion of the Quorient.Remainder Theorem and Examples

;d/v and mod;Alter-

  native Representations of Integers and Applications to

Number Theory

3.5 Direct Proofand Counterexample V:Floorand Ceiling  164

   Definition and Basic Properties;The Floor of n/2

3.6 Indirect Argument:Contradiction and Contraposition  171

  Proof by Contradiction;Argument by

Contraposition;Relation between Proof by



3.7 Two Classica|Theorems  179

   TheI~ationality of√2:TheInfinitade ofthe set



3.8 Application:Algorithms  186

  An Algorithmic Language;A Notation for Algorithms;Trace

Tables;The Division

  Algorithm;The Eudidean Algorithm

Chapter 4 Sequences and MathematicalInduction  199

4.1 Sequences  199

  Explicit Formulas for Sequences;Summation

Notation;Product Notation;Factorial

  Notation;Properties ofSummations and Products;Change of

Variable;Sequences in

  Computer Programming;Application:Algorithm to Convert

from Base 10 to Base 2

  Using Repeated Division by 2

4.2 Mathematical Induction,  215

  Principie of MathematicalInduction;SumoftheFi~tnIntegers;

Sum of a Geometric


4.3 Mathematical Induction II  227




  Properties;Proving Inequalities

4.4 Strong Mathematical Inductiopand the Well-Ordering

Principle  235

  The Principle of Strong Mathematical Induction;Binary

Representation of Integers;

  The Well-Ordering Principle for the Integers

4.5 Application:Correctness ofAlgorithms  244

  Assertions;Loop lnvariants;Correctness of the Division

Algorithm;Correctness of

  the Euclidean Algorithm

Chapter 5 Set Theory  255

5.1 Basic Definitions of Set Theory  255

  Subsets;Set Equality;Operations on Sets;Venn

Diagrams;The Empty Set;Partitions

  of Sets;Power Sets;Cartesian Products;An Algorithm to

Check Whether One Set Is

  a Subset ofAnother(Optional)

5.2 Properties of Sets  269

   Set Identities;Proving Set Identities;Proving That a Set

Is the Empty Set

5.3 Disproofs,AlgebraicProofs.andBooleanAlgebras  282

   DisprovinganAllegedSetProperty;Problem-Solving Strategy;


   sets of a Set;"Algebraic"Proofs of Set

Identities;Boolean Algebras  

5.4 Russell~Paradox and the Halting Problem  293

  Description of Russell"s Paradox;The Halting Problem

Chapter 6 Countingand Probability  297

6,1 Introduction  298

  Definition ofSample Space and Event;Probability in the

Equally Likely Case;Count

  -ing the Elements of Lists,Sublists,and One-Dimensional


6.2 Possibility Trees and the Multiplication Rule  306

   Possibility Trees;The Multiplication Role;When the

Multiplication Rule ls Difficult

   or Impossible to Apply;Permutations;Permut~ions of

Selected Elements

6.3 Counting Elements of Disjoint Sets:The Addition Rule  


  The Addition Rule;The Difference Rule;The

Inclusion/Exclusion Rule

6.4 Counting Subsets of a Set:Combinations  334

   r-Combinations;Ordered and Unordered Selections;Relation

between Permutations





6.5 r-Combinations with Repetition AIIowed  349

   Multisets and How to Count Them;Which Formula to Use?

6.6 The Algebra of Combinations  356

   Combinatorial Formulas;Pascal"s Triangle;Algebmic and

Combinatorial Proofs of

   Pascal"s Formula

6. 7 The Binomia|Theofem  362

   Statement of the Theorem;Algebraic and Combinatorial


6.8 Probability Axioms and Expected Value  370

  Probability Axioms;Deriving Additional Probability

Formulas;Expected Value

6.9 Conditional Probability,Bayes"Formula,and Independent

Even亡s  375

   Conditional Probability;Bayes"Theorem;Independent Events

 Chapter 7 Functions  389

7.1 Functions Defined on General Sets  389




  Boolean Functions;Checking Whether a Function Is Well


7.2 One-to-One and Onto,Inverse Functions 402

  One-to-One Functions;One-to-One Functions on Infinite Sets





  and Logarithmic Functions;One-to-One

Correspondences;Inverse Function。

7.3 Application:The Pigeonhole Principle 420

  Statement and Discussion of the

Principle;Applications;Decimal Expansions 0f

  Fractions;Generalized Pigeonhole Principle;Proof of the

Pigeonhole Principle

7.4 Composition of Functions 431

   Definition and Examples;Composition of

Functions:Composition 0f

   Onto Functions

7.5 Cardinality with Applications to Computability 443

   DefinitionofCardinalEquivalence;CountableSets;The Search

for Larger Infinities:

   The Cantor Diagonalization

Process;Application:Cardinality and Computabilitv

Chapter 8 Recursion 457

8.1 Recursively Defined Sequences 457

   Definition of Recurrence


   NumberofPartitions ofaSetInto r Subsets

8.2 Solving Recurrence Relations by Iteration 475




  Checking the Correctness ofa Formula by Mathematical

Induction;Discovering That

  an Explicit Formula Is Incorrect

8.3 Second-Order Linear Homogenous Recurrence Relations with

Constant Coefficients 487

  Derivation of Technique for Solving These Relations;The

Distinct.RoOts Case:The

  Single-Root Case

8.4 General Recursive Definitions 499

  Recursively Defined Sets;Proving Properties about

Recursively Defined Sets:Re.

  cursive Definitions of Sum,Product,Union,and

Intersection;Recursive Functions

Chapter 9 The EfficiencyofAlgorithms  510

9. 1 Real-Valued Functions ofa Real Variable and Their Graphs 


  Graph ofa Function;Power Functions;The Floor

Function;Graphing Functions De-




9.2 Ο.Ω.and ΘNotationS  518

  Definition and General Properties of

0一.Ω一.and@-Notations;Orders of Power




  Extension to Functions Composed of Rational Power Functions

9.3 Application:Efficiency ofAlgorithms/  531

  Time Efficiency of an Algorithm;Computing"Orders of Simple


  Sequential Search Algorithm;The Insertion Sort Algorithm

9.4 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions:Graphs andOrders  


  Graphs of Exponential and Logarithmic

Functions;Application:Number of Bits

  Needed to Represent an Integer in Binary

Notation;Application:Using Logarithms

  to Solve Recurrence Relations;Exponential and Logarithmic


9.5 Application:Efficiency ofAlgorithms II  557

   Divide-and··Conquer Algorithms;The Efficiency of the

Binary Search Algorithm;

   Merge Sort;Tractable and Intractable Problems;A Final

Remark on Algorithm Effi-ciency

Chapter 10 Relations  571

10.1 Relations on Sets  571

   Definition of Binary Relation;An_0w Diagram of a Relation

;Relations and Func-

   tions;The Inverse of a Relation;Directed Graph of a

Relation;N-ary Relations and

   Relational Databases

10.2 Reflexivity,Symmetry,and Transitivity  584




  Properties of Relations on Infinite Sets

10.3 Equivalence Relations  594

   The Relation Induced by a Partition;Definition of an

Equivalence Relation;Equiva-lence Classes of an Equivalence


10.4 Modular Arithmetic with Applications to Cryptography  


   Properties of Congruence Modulo n;Modular

Arithmetic;Finding an Inverse Modulo -n:Euclid"S Lemma;Fermat"S

Little Theorem and the Chinese Remainder Theorem;Why Does the RSA

Cipher Work?

10.5 Partia|Order Relations  632

   Antisymmetry;Partial Order Relations;Lexicographic Order

;Hasse Diagrams;Par-



M Chapter 11 Graphs and Trees  649

11.1 Graphs:An Introduction  649

   Basic Terminology and Examples;Special Graphs;The

Concept of Degree

1 1.3 Matrix Representations of Graphs  683




    and Connected Components;MaRx Multiplication;Counting

walks of Length N

11.4 Isomorphism of Graphs  697

  Definition of Graph Isomorphism and Examples;Isomorphic

Invariants:Graph Is0一

  lnorphism for Simple Graph Definition and Examples ofTrees

;Characterizing Trees:Rooted Trees;Binary Trees

11. 6 Spanning Trees  723

  Definition of a Spanni g Tree;Minimum Spanning

Trees;Kruskal,s A1gorithm:P

   rim"s Algorithm  

Chapter 12 RegularExpressionsandFinite.StateAutomata  734

12.1 Forma|Languages and Regular Expressions  735

  Definitions and Exafnples 0f Formal Languages and Regular


  Uses of Regular Expressions Defin-ition 0f a Finite-State

Automaton;The Language Accepted by an Automaton:The

Eventual-State Function;Designing a Finite-State

Automaton;Simulating a Finite-State Automaton Using

Software;Finite-State Automata and Regular Expres.Sions;Regular


12.3 Simplifying Finite-State Automata  763



   The Quotient Automaton;Constmcting the Quotient

Automa--tonn-;Equivalent Au-"

AppendixA Properties ofthe Real Numbers  A-1

Appendix B Solutions and Hints to Selected Exercises  A-4





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