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书名 高灵敏及高分辨KPFM及其相关技术(英文版)(精)/纳米光子学丛书
分类 科学技术-自然科学-化学
作者 马宗敏
出版社 清华大学出版社
马宗敏教授,主要从事超高分辨精密测量、固态量子传感等方向的研究工作。提出了铁磁共振磁交换力显微镜方法,建立了基于塞曼分裂的铁磁共振磁交换力显微系统模型,自主搭建了基于超高真空原子力显微镜的磁信息测量平台,得到了典型磁性材料的高分辨成像。提出了外差调幅开尔文力探针显微方法,建立了基于该方法的理论模型,同时从理论和实验上将AM一KPFM的杂散电容降低了90%以上,灵敏度比调频开尔文力探针显微提高了2~3倍。提出了基于金刚石氮空位色心(NV center)的固态磁传感器、陀螺仪方法与技术,完成了灵敏度较高的原子磁强计样机研制。近年来,作为负责人主持国家科技部重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金委员会面上基金、国家国防科技工业局国防基础科研等项目。发表SCI论文30余篇。
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Preface
1.1.1 Nanoscience and Surface
1.1.2 Surface Charge
1.1.3 Scanning Probe Microscopy
1.1.4 Artifact Induced in The KPFM
1.2 Publication Purpose
1.3 Outline
Chapter 2 Theory of Noncontact AtomicForce Microscopy
2.1 Preface
2.2 AtomicForce Microscopy
2.2.1 TipSample Interaction
2.2.2 Operation Modes in AFM
2.2.3 Stability of The System
2.2.4 Principle of The Cantilever
2.2.5 Dynamics of The Cantilever
2.2.6 Noise in The NCFMAFM
2.3 Applications of SPM in Micro Measurements/Nano Measurements
2.3.1 3D Imaging
2.3.2 Microelectronics/Nanoelectronics
2.3.3 Metrology
2.3.4 Manipulation and Spectroscopy
Chapter 3 Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
3.1 Fundamentals of KPFM
3.2 Amplitude Modulation and Frequency Modulation Modes in KPFM
3.3 Minimum Detectable Contact Potential Difference in AM- and FM- KPFMs
3.4 KPFM in Electrostatic Force Measurements
3.5 Conclusion
Chapter 4 NC-AFM/KPFM Equipment
4.1 Preface
4.2 Equipment of UHV NC-AFM/KPFM
4.3 AFM/KPFM Units
4.3.1 Schematic of The AFM Unit
4.3.2 Fiber and Sample Approach Stages
4.3.3 Tube Scanner
4.3.4 Cantilever and Sample Holders
4.3.5 Vibration Isolation System
4.4 Interferometer Detection Method
4.4.1 Optical Interference Theory
4.4.2 Interferometer Detection
4.5 W-Sputtering Instrument
4.6 NC-AFM/KPFM System
4.6.1 Electrostatic Force Modulated Detection (Lockin Amplifier)
4.6.2 Oscillation Controller System
4.6.3 z and Local Contact Potential Difference Feedback Controller System
4.7 Conclusion
Chapter 5 Atomic Resolution on Cu(110)-O Surface with NC-AFM
5.1 Preface
5.2 Researches on Cu(110)-O Surfaces
5.3 Cu(110) Measurements Using Home-Built NC-AFM
5.4 Experimental Results and Discussion
5.5 Conclusion
Chapter 6 Clarification of Stray Capacitance Effect with Heterodyne-AM KPFM(HAM-KPEM) at Atomic Resolution
6.1 Preface
6.1.1 Background
6.1.2 Outline
6.2 Principle of HAM-KPFMs
6.2.1 HAM-KPFMs
6.2.2 Stray Capacitance Effect in AM-,FM- and HAM-KPFMs
6.2.3 Artifact of VCPD Induced by Topographic Measurements
6.3 Performance of HAMKPFM
6.3.1 Experimental Details
6.3.2 Stray Capacitance Effect in AM- and HAM- KPFMs
6.3.3 Surface Potential Measurements in AM- and HAM- KPFMs
6.3.4 Resolution Dependence on Distance Using Three KPFMs
6.4 Potential Sensitivity in AM- ,FM- and HAM-KPFMs
6.4.1 Principles of Potential Sensitivities in FM and HAM-KPFMs
6.4.2 Experimental Details
6.4.3 Results and Discussion
6.4.4 Surface Potential Measurements
6.5 Conclusion
Chapter 7 Phantom Force Elimination Using FMKPFM without Feedback at Atomic Resolution
7.1 Preface
7.1.1 Background
7.1.2 Outline
7.2 Theory of FM Method without Bias Feedback
7.2.1 Phantom Force Induced by The Tunneling Current in KPFM Measurement
7.2.2 Phantom Force Avoid by FMKPFM without Feedback
7.2.3 Experiment by FMKPFM without Feedback
7.2.4 FM-KPFM with and without Feedback in Experiments
7.3 Origin of The Atomic Scale of Potential Images by FM-KPFM without Feedback
7.3.1 z Spectroscopy Measurements
7.3.2 Origin of The Atomic Scale Potential Image
7.4 Conclusion
Appendix Ⅰ
Details of Theoretical Analysis
A. Electrostatic Force
B. The Minimum Detectable CPD in HAMKPFM
Appendix Ⅱ
FM-KPFM without Feedback




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