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书名 雨水集蓄利用--农业和供水应用(英文版)(精)
作者 Qiang Zhu[等著]
出版社 科学出版社

Part I Rainwater Harvesting Experiences from China

 1 Why Harvesting Rainwater-China's Experiences Qiang Zhu, Yuanhong Li and Xiaojuan Tang

 2 Dimensioning the Rainwater Harvesting System Qiang Zhu

 3 Structural Design of the Rainwater Harvesting System Qiang Zhu

 4 Construction and Operation and Maintenance of Rainwater Harvesting Project Chengxiang Ma

 5 Rainwater Harvesting Techniques for Irrigation Qiang Zhu

 6 Rainwater Harvesting and Agriculture Shiming Gao and Fengke Yang

Part II Rainwater Harvesting Experiences from Around the World

 7 Rainwater Harvesting: Global Overview Andrew Guangfei Lo and John Gould

 8 Rainwater Harvesting for Domestic Supply John Gould

 9 Rainwater Harvesting Systems in the Humid TropicsTerry Thomas

 10 Rainwater Quality Management John Gould

 11 Runoff Farming Zhijun Chen

Concluding Remarks



This book offers key resource materials for an international training course on Rain-water Harvesting and Utilization supported by China Ministry of Commerce andhosted by Gansu Research Institute for Water Conservancy annually in Lanzhou,China since 2003. Topics cover the design, construction and management of rainwa-ter harvesting systems for domestic water supply and supplementary irrigation,rainwater quality issues and runoff farming. It presents case studies from successfulrainwater-harvesting projects both in China and around the globe, and providesreaders with essential information and inspiration alike. It is a valuable resource forresearchers, practitioners and students in the area of water management, agricultureand sustainable development. Qiang Zhu is a research professor at Gansu ResearchInstitute for Water Conservancy, Lanzhou, China; John Gould is a rainwater harvest-ing consultant based in Christchurch, New Zealand; Yuanhong Li is a researchprofessor at Gansu Research Institute for Water Conservancy, Lanzhou, China;Chengxiang Ma is an engineer at Gansu Research Institute for Water Conservancy,Lanzhou, China.

《雨水集蓄利用--农业和供水应用(英文版)(精)》由Qiang Zhu、John Gould、Yuanhong Li、Chengxiang Ma主编


由Qiang Zhu、John Gould、Yuanhong Li、Chengxiang Ma主编的《雨水集蓄利用--农业和供水应用(英文版)(精)》起源于商务部支持的兰州国际雨水集蓄利用培训班编写的教材。自2003年开班以来已举办了10余期,在此基础上,由国内外雨水集蓄利用领域内的顶尖专家通力合作写成的一部专著。主要论述了通过利用雨水这一非常规水资源,解决全球面临的水资源短缺问题的思路,着重介绍了如何提高雨水资源的利用效率和单位雨水产出,以及建设雨水集蓄利用工程中,科学方法和传统方法的结合。本书是多年来雨水集蓄利用试验研究和实践经验的总结,许多内容是第一次公布。





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