本书调动了大量跨学科的分析手段和概念对LF MBA短期交流学生的跨文化语言社会化进程进行了全方位的客观分析。通过对LF MBA学生的长期跟踪调查,研究者从历时研究的角度,按照时间的先后顺序,探讨了学生们在出国前,留学期间,及留学末期的经历以及影响他们学习生活的各种因素。这种历时研究的方法帮助我们发现了学生们最初语言社会化对第二语言社会化产生的重大影响。同时,历时研究方法也帮助研究者跟踪、记录了学生们获得跨文化交际能力的发展变化过程。从共时研究的角度,本书细致分析了在学生留学期间促进或阻碍他们跨文化语言社会化进程的语言、文化因素。
Figures and Tables
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Intercultural Language Socialization -- The Theoretical Framework
2.1 Research on Short-term Student Sojourners
2.2 The Theoretical Framework of Intercultural Language Socialization
2.3 The Framework of This Study
Chapter 3 Methodology
3.1 The LF MBA Program
3.2 The Pilot Study
3.3 An Overview of the 2005 Spring Cohort in the LF Program
3.4 Methodological Framework -- Ethnography of Communication
Chapter 4 Pre-sojourn Stage
4.1 The Focal Participants' Pre-sojourn Stage
4.2 A Brief View of the Whole Cohort's Pre-sojoum Stage
Chapter 5 Cross-cultural Transfer and Host-cultural Language Practices in Academic Contexts
5.1 A Brief View of the Effective Negotiating Class
5.2 Cross-cultural Transfer of Chinese "Face" Ideology and Second Language Practices in Simulation Negotiations
5.3 Host-cultural Socialization and Home-cultural Socialization
5.4 Prirrmary Socialization and Host-cultural Classroom Participation
Chapter 6 Symbolic Power and Access to Linguistic Resources
6.1 Conspiracy to Silence
6.2 Balance and Counter-balance -- Having Alternative Power for Speech?
6.3 Power, Social Network and Access to Host Languacultural Resources
Chapter 7 Subjectivities, Investment and Cross-cultural Adaptation
7.1 Subjectivities as Student Sojourners
7.2 Differing Investment in Second Languacultural Acquisition
7.3 Adequation and Adaptation
Chapter 8 Becoming Intercultural
8.1 The Consequence of the Focal Participants' Intercultural Language Socialization
8.2 Becoming Intercultural
Chapter 9 Educational Implications
9.1 Pre-departure Preparation
9.2 Opportunities for Intercultural Interactions
9.3 Concrete Cross-cultural Training
Chapter 10 Conclusion
Appendix A Interview Protocol for the LF Students
Appendix B Interview Protocol for the LF Students' American Peers
Appendix C Survey on the LF Students' Development in Intercultural Communicative Competence
Appendix D Transcription Conventions