内容推荐 本书整体分为三大模块:基础写作篇、布局成章篇和论文终稿篇。全书讲解翔实,练习丰富,为教师实现混合式教学提供便利,为学生实现自主学习和团队学习提供条件,为教师和学生提供了大量课上和课下都可用的资料。 本书可供学术刚刚起步的研究生以及为自己学术生涯的第一篇英语论文写作的莘莘学子阅读、参考。 目录 Part A Preliminaries Chapter 1 Basics of Scientific Writing 1.1 Choice of words 1.2 Functions of types of phrases 1.3 Functions of types of sentences 1.4 Effective sentences 1.5 Some recommended English dictionaries Exercises Chapter 2 Structure and Styles 2.1 Introductory paragraph 2.2 Body paragraphs 2.3 Concluding paragraph 2.4 Features of an effective paragraph 2.5 Styles Exercises Chapter 3 Summary, Paraphrase and Plagiarism 3.1 Plagiarism 3.2 Quotations 3.3 Paraphrase 3.4 Summary Exercises Part B Preparations Chapter 4 Writing Process 4.1 Brainstorming and planning 4.2 Drafting 4.3 Revising and editing Exercises Chapter 5 Essay Development I 5.1 Definition 5.2 Illustration 5.3 Cause-effect Exercises Chapter 6 Essay Development II 6.1 Classification 6.2 Comparison and contrast 6.3 Argument Exercises Part C Text Chapter 7 Title, Abstract and Introduction 7.1 Title 7.2 Abstract 7.3 How to write an abstract 7.4 Introduction Exercises Chapter 8 Literature Review and Methods 8.1 Purpose of the literature review 8.2 Common rules in the literature review 8.3 Purpose of methods 8.4 Materials and methods 8.5 Useful expressions in the methods 8.6 Language features in the methods Exercises Chapter 9 Results and Discussion 9.1 Results 9.2 Discussion 9.3 Tables and graphs Exercises Chapter 10 Other Matters and Points for Attention 10.1 Acknowledgements 10.2 Reference styles 10.3 Tense and voice 10.4 Abbreviations Final task Appendix Appendix I Common differences between British and American English Appendix II Chinese learners' common errors in spelling English Appendix III Chinese learners' common errors in English grammar Appendix IV Key to exercises Bibliography |