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书名 心灵鸡汤(豆蔻年华2英文原版)
分类 教育考试-外语学习-英语
作者 (美)坎费尔德
出版社 安徽科学技术出版社












Starlight, Star Bright

Seven Minutes in Heaven

Practical Application

A Geek, a Nerd, a Bookworm

My Angel Has a Halo

A Cool Drink of Water

Unrequited Love


Starting a New Path


Hopscotch arid Tears


Lost Love

Why Guys Like Girls

Love Is Never Lost

David's Smile


The Rift

The Right Thing

Donna and Claudia

A Friend for Life


I Need You Now


Friends Forever

I Remember Gilbert

The Tragic Reunion


Bobby, I'm Smiling

An A for Mrs. B

Kids Who Are Different


A Valentine for Laura

A Simple Hello

Change for a Dollar

My Friend Charley

My First Experience at Tasting the Raindrops

So How Do You Boost an Ego?

Losing an Enemy

Give Random Acts of Kindness a Try!

       4. TOUGH STUFF

Losing Hope

A Call for Help

Tomorrow Came Again

It Happened to Me

Tell Me Why You Cry

Nintendo Master

Already Perfect

My Toughest Decision

It's Tough to Be a Teenager

Not Your Typical Prom Night

No Matter What Happens

Hero of the 'Hood


The Morn I Never Had

Good Night, Dad

        5. ON FAMILY

Beautiful, She Said

Steeped with Meaning

There Is an Oz

A Father's Wish


The Cheerleader

The Bridge Between Verses

The Ones in Front of Me

Role Reversal


My Most Memorable Christmas

My Real Father

Making Dad Proud

The Perfect Family


Making Sarah Cry

The Wedding Ring

Andrea's Fresh Start

A Lesson for Life

Remember Me?

A Wider Classroom

The Bat

The Player

The Porcelain Bride Doll


Firmer Ground

Love and Belonging

What I Wish I'd Known Sooner

My Most Embarrassing Moment

Call Me


For You, Dad

Somebody Loves You

The Power of a Smile

Pay Attention

Joe Camel

Living on the Edge

Anything Is Possible

A Challenge That I Overcame

A Street Kid's Guide

Teenagers Today

An Open Heart

       8. GROWING UP

Wonder, to Me

How Much Does It Cost?

Image Isn't Everything

Hi There, Ugly!


I Won't Be Left Behind

An Athlete's Prayer

The Blank Page


My Angel Has a Halo

You always were a daredevil. Flying eight or more feet through the air on your bike (your pride and joy), swinging high on a rope swing or flipping head first into the lake be-low.

I think that is what gives you both your wonderful char-acter and your extraordinary inner strength. What amazes me most about you is the fact that no matter what, your de-termination pushes all your fears away. You never let fear stand in the way of accomplishing your goals.

But despite all your dangerous stunts, I never thought that this day would come. (Maybe in the back of my mind I did, but only there.)

You were away on a trip to the coast and I eagerly awaited your call. It came the morning of the third day of the seven days you'd be gone. Your voice was normal--but your words were not "I broke my neck."

Right then every fear in the world hit me. My morn quickly reminded me that I needed to stay strong for you. I didn't talk much. I just quietly cried as you explained to me your ordeal and the halo you would have to wear for two months to keep your neck stabilized as it healed.

You seemed okay considering the situation, but in pain and in low spirits. I hung up the phone and finally the tears could, and did, flow freely. Throughout this whole day I came to terms with the fact that you would be in a cast, with the exception of your arms, for two entire months~ At first I was selfish and thought of how this would affect me. Hecan't drive, so we'll see each other less often. He can't take me to school on the first day. I can't even give him a real hug. But then I remembered and told myself: Amanda,be glad that he's still alive and here for you to hug at all,no matter what from it's in, And, be thankful for the fact that,he can walk.

I went and saw you tonight. You looked good but no smiles--no smiles, that is, until you saw a video of your bik-ing stunts.  I saw the determination in your eyes and it brought tears to mine. I know you're scared, but I also know that you're going to be okay. Because that determination in-side of you is once again going to push those fears away,and you'll be 110 percent. You helped me be less afraid for you. I stopped thinking about what you cannot do and con-centrated instead on what you can do, or what you will do again. Two months is a very short time in exchange for a lifetime of living.

I want to thank you. You have taught me more about inner strength and determination in this one day than l've learned in my whole life. I love you, Logan. We all do. Don'tever lose heart. Just let your wonderful self shine through.You're going to pull through this with flying colors, pushing yourself all the way, because that's who you are: a fighter. I feel so much better now that I'm not thinking about what I won't have and what I won't get from you. Instead, I feel grateful and so happy that you are who you are.

All I have for you now is faith and determination. I al-ways knew that you were a blessing to me, my angel. Now,for two months, you'll have a halo to prove it.

Amanda .lohns on

A Cool Drink of Water

After brushing my teeth, l stooped to drink the cool water streaming from the faucet, drifting back to that unforget-table summer. It was the summer when life began'-- the sum-mer I turned sixteen. I had my own car, along with a brand-new soul. It was not the memory of a new privilege that rushed back to me, but that of him looming over me with a laughing grin painted across his lips as he watched me drinkfrom the faucet. It was that memory that rushed back to me.

Our relationship was everything it should have been, al-most as if our time together had been written for a novel.We came together through friends of ours, as do most typi-cal high school relationships. We grew closer and closer dur-ing the school year, spending time together on weeknights rehearsing for the school's musical production and on the weekends with friends. Soon, with permission from the weather and sometimes despite it, we traveled to the beach with our friends and a cooler of colas. It was on the way home from the beach one Saturday that I realized I was falling for him. Every sign showed love. I could hardly sit still in class just anticipating the next time I would see him and the upcoming weekend we would spend together. Being in his arms were some of the happiest times I had ever experi-enced. I could look deep into his eyes and be enchanted for-ever.

Being with him changed my soul. I shared everything with him, even things I kept from my family and my best friend. I felt his love prying apart the hard shell of shyness that encircled me. His trust, his love and his support for me lifted me from the earth and gently sent me into the clouds.He cast off the chains I had given myself. Through him I learned a new insight about the world. It was as if a tall, darkmountain had stood in front of me and, out of nowhere, heprovided the wings to fly over it.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.Yes, even for my first love. I had matured a great deal during our time together, which possibly brought me to a clearer understanding of what true love is. Over time, the clouds floated away, replaced with a new sinking feeling that what I was doing was wrong. The eyes that had so lovingly en-chanted me soon became those of a dear friend. Somehow,the spell was broken. I wished so dearly that I could retum to the long summer nights we had spent together, embracing under the moonlight. But as I longed for those nights, I also longed for a new freedom. The adventure had somehow be-come a routine.

Sadly, we both acknowledged the separation. We held each other tighter than ever, both roughly accepting the real-ity that it would be best to say good-bye. He wiped away my tears and held me until it was time for him to leave. My heart was yearning to kiss him good-bye, but my mind and my lips told me no. He walked down the stairs to his black convertible and left. I watched through tear-stained eyes from the window as he pulled out of my driveway. As his head-lights faded in the distance, I tumed off the light to my first love.

Having satisfied my thirst, I stood up and dried my mouth and chin with the towel at my side. I smiled, once again remembering how he stood by me and protected me in more ways than one. It is impossible to sum up seven-and-one-half months of pure joy and apprenticeship, but if there is one way to do it, a cool drink of water from the faucet would be sufficient.

Camden Watts



















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