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单词 luck
释义 luck
[lʌk] noun uncountable
■the force that causes things, especially good things, to happen to you by chance and not as a result of your own efforts or abilities 运气;(尤指)机遇,机会
It was just luck that I asked for a job at the right time.真是机缘巧合,我刚好在合适的时机开口说想找份工作。
Then I met this gorgeous woman and I couldn't believe my luck.后来我碰到了这个出色的女人,我不敢相信自己的运气有这么好。
She wears a charm that she thinks brings her good luck.她戴了一个她认为会给自己带来好运的护身符。
He seems to have had a lot of bad luck in his life.他生活中似乎遇到了不少倒霉的事情。
So your interview's tomorrow? Good luck!这么说明天你要去面试?祝你好运!
The best of luck in/with your exams!祝你考试顺利!
■success 成功
Have you had any luck with (= Have you been successful in) booking your flight?你订到飞机票了吗?
He tried to get into teacher training college but with no luck (= no success).他想进教师进修学院,但未能如愿。
[lʌk] noun uncountable
as luck would have it
■by chance 碰巧,幸好
We ran out of petrol on the way home, but as luck would have it, we were very near a garage.我们在回家的路上汽油用光了,幸好当时离加油站不远。
[lʌk] noun uncountable
Bad/Hard/Tough luck!
■said to express sympathy with someone when something bad has happened to them 太倒楣了!真不走运!太不凑巧!
"They've just run out of tickets." "Oh, bad luck!"“他们刚刚卖光了票。”“哦,真倒楣了!”
[lʌk] noun uncountable
be bad luck on sb mainly UK
■to be a bad thing that happened to someone by chance (某人)碰到倒楣事,不走运
It was bad luck on Alex that he was ill on his birthday.亚历克斯过生日那天病倒了,真够倒楣的。
[lʌk] noun uncountable
be down on your luck
■to be experiencing a bad situation or to have very little money 运气不济,不走运
He's been a bit down on his luck recently.近来他有些不走运。
[lʌk] noun uncountable
be in/out of luck informal
■to be able/unable to have or do what you want 能够/未能如愿,运气好/差
"Do you have any tuna sandwiches?" "You're in luck - there's one left."“你们这里有金枪鱼三明治吗?”“你的运气不错——还有一个。”
[lʌk] noun uncountable
be the luck of the draw
■to be the result of chance and something that you have no control over 听天由命,全靠运气
You can't choose who you play against - it's just the luck of the draw.你无法选择比赛对手——全靠你的运气了。
[lʌk] noun uncountable
for (good) luck
■to bring good luck 带来好运
We have a horseshoe hanging on our wall for good luck.我们在墙上挂了一块马蹄铁,希望能有好运气。
[lʌk] noun uncountable
for luck usually humorous
■used to describe something extra which you take, especially in order to bring you good luck (用于描述额外取用之物,尤指)为了求得好运
There's two spoonsful of sugar, and one for luck.有两匙糖,其中一匙是为了求好运。
[lʌk] noun uncountable
more by luck than judgment UK
■by chance and not because of any special skill 运气好而已,碰巧走运
"You did amazingly well to get the ball in." "Oh, it was more by luck than judgment."“你进的那个球太棒了。”“哦,不过是运气好罢了。”
[lʌk] noun uncountable
no such luck informal
■said after an event or result that would be very good has been suggested, to show disappointment that it cannot or did not happen 没那么走运
I was rather hoping it would rain today and I wouldn't have to go on the walk, but no such luck.我特别希望今天能下雨,那样我就不用走路了,不过没有这样的好事。
[lʌk] noun uncountable
with any luck (also with a bit of luck) informal
■used before describing an event or a result that you are hoping for 希望,但愿
With any luck (= I hope that) we should get to Newcastle by early evening.但愿我们能在傍晚前到达纽卡素。
[lʌk] noun uncountable
Your luck's in! UK humorous
■something that you say in order to tell someone that you think another person would like a sexual relationship with them 你要走桃花运了!
He's been looking at you all evening - I think your luck's in, Cath.他一晚上都在看你——我觉得你要走桃花运了,凯思。
[lʌk] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   luck into sth US informal
■to get something that you want by chance 幸运地获得,碰巧得到
We lucked into tickets for the World Cup finals.我们幸运地搞到了世界杯决赛的门票。
[lʌk] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   luck out US informal
■to be very lucky 十分走运
The Giants really lucked out in last night's game.巨人队在昨晚的比赛中真走运。




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