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内容推荐 本书从光电子能谱角度出发,选用咪唑鎓型、吡啶鎓型、季铵盐型、季鏻盐型和锍阳型离子液体,系统深入地阐述了离子液体中阴、阳离子间的相互作用,并对三卤化物阴离子体系、氯锡酸阴离子体系和两性离子液体进行了简要介绍。 本书共5章,第1章介绍离子液体的合成、性能及X 射线光电子能谱技术;第2章介绍离子液体中阴、阳离子间的相互作用;第3章介绍氯锡酸阴离子体系;第4章介绍三卤化物阴离子体系;第5章介绍两性离子液体。 本书注重理论与实际相结合,有助于读者对近代材料测试技术以及催化化学、摩擦学、润滑技术等相关内容的学习,也可作为相关技术人员的参考用书。 目录 Chapter 1 Ionic liquids and photoelectron spectroscopy 1 1.1 Ionic liquids 4 1.2 Ionic liquids properties 4 1.3 Synthesis of ionic liquids 5 1.3.1 Materials 6 1.3.2 Instrumentation 6 1.3.3 2,3-Dimethylimidazolium ionic liquids 6 1.3.4 3-Methylimidazolium ionic liquids 8 1.3.5 Pyridinium ionic liquids 12 1.3.6 Ammonium ionic liquids 13 1.3.7 Phosphonium ionic liquids 13 1.3.8 Chlorostannate ionic liquids 14 1.3.9 Trihalide ionic liquids 14 1.4 XPS experiment 15 References 17 Chapter 2 Cation-anion interactions 23 2.1 [C4C1Im]+ ionic liquids 24 2.1.1 Electronic environment of carbon regions 25 2.1.2 Electronic environment of nitrogen regions 28 2.2 [C4C1C1Im]+ ionic liquids 29 2.2.1 Electronic environment of carbon regions and charge correction 30 2.2.2 Electronic environment of nitrogen regions 32 2.2.3 [C4C1C1Im]+ versus [C4C1Im]+ 33 2.3 [N1,8,8,8]+ ionic liquids 37 2.3.1 Electronic environment of carbon regions 37 2.3.2 Impact of the anion on the cation-anion interactions 39 2.3.3 Impact of the cation on the cation-anion interactions 39 2.4 [P6,6,6,14]+ ionic liquids 42 2.4.1 Electronic environment of carbon regions 43 2.4.2 Electronic environment of phosphorus regions 43 2.4.3 [P6,6,6,14]+ versus [C4C1Im]+ 44 2.5 [S2,2,1]+ ionic liquids 45 2.6 Impact of the cation acidity on the anion 46 2.7 Ionic liquid mixtures with binary cations 48 2.7.1 For the more basic anion 49 2.7.2 For the less basic anion 50 2.8 Conclusions 52 2.9 XP spectra for this chapter 52 References 74 Chapter 3 Chlorostannate ionic liquids 79 3.1 Formation of chlorostannate ionic liquids 80 3.2 Monitoring the electronic environment of Sn centre 82 3.3 Electronic environment of the cation 87 3.4 Electronic environment of the anion 89 3.5 Conclusions 91 3.6 XP spectra for this chapter 91 References 99 Chapter 4 Trihalide ionic liquids 102 4.1 Comparison to halide-based analogues 103 4.2 Anion basicity 107 4.3 Beam damage 108 4.4 Conclusions 114 4.5 XP spectra for this chapter 114 References 120 Chapter 5 Zwitterionic liquids 123 5.1 Electronic environment of carbon regions 124 5.2 Comparison to acetate-based analogues 125 5.3 Conclusions 127 5.4 XP spectra for this chapter 127 References 130 |