内容推荐 本书为国外优秀教学用书的影印版。 全书共十五章,包括微生物学基础,生物化学、代谢、遗传学和信息流,微生物生态学,化学计量学和能量学,微生物动力学,生物膜动力学,微生物产物,反应器特征和动力学,产甲烷作用,好氧悬浮生长工艺,好氧生物膜工艺,氮转化与回收,磷去除与回收,饮用水生物处理等。另有五章以附录形式在配套网站供读者深进学习,包括氧化塘和湿地、微生物解毒作用、微生物电化学电池、光合生物工厂、复杂系统等。 本书适合作为高校环境科学与工程类专业和给排水科学与工程专业本科生和研究生教学参考书,也可供双语教学参考。 目录 Preface 1 Moving Toward Sustainability 1.1 Water Uses and Resources 1.2 Wastewater's Resources 1.3 Climate Change 1.4 Sustainability 1.5 The Role of Environmental Biotechnology 1.6 Organization of the Book 1.7 References 2 Basics of Microbiology 2.1 The Microbial Cell 2.2 Microbial Classification 2.3 Prokaryotes 2.3.1 Bacterial and Archaeal Cell Structure and Function 2.3.2 Phylogenic Lineages of Bacteria 2.3.3 Phylogenic Lineages of Archaea 2.4 Eukarya 2.4.1 Fungi 2.4.2 Algae 2.4.3 Protozoa 2.4.4 Other Multicellular Microorganisms 2.5 Viruses 2.6 Infectious Disease 2.7 References 3 Biochemistry, Metabolism, Genetics, and Information Flow 3.1 Biochemistry 3.1.1 Enzymes 3.1.2 Enzyme Reactivity 3.1.3 Regulating Enzyme Activity 3.2 Energy Capture 3.2.1 Electron and Energy Carriers 3.2.2 Energy and Electron Investments 3.3 Metabolism 3.3.1 Catabolism 3.3.2 Anabolism 3.3.3 Metabolism and Trophic Groups 3.4 Genetics and Information Flow 3.4.1 Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) 3.4.2 The Chromosome 3.4.3 Plasmids 3.4.4 DNA Replication 3.4.5 Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) 3.4.6 Transcription 3.4.7 Messenger RNA (mRNA) 3.4.8 Transfer RNA (tRNA) 3.4.9 Translation and the Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) 3.4.10 Translation 3.4.11 Regulation 3.4.12 Phylogeny 3.4.13 The Basics of Phylogenetic Classification 3.5 References 3.6 Bibliography 3.7 Problems 4 Microbial Ecology 4.1 Selection 4.2 Exchange of Materials 4.2.1 Exchange of Substrates 4.2.2 Exchange of Genetic Information 4.2.3 Growth Factors 4.2.4 _ Exchange of Chemical Signals 4.3 Adaptation 4.4 Tools to Study Microbial Ecology 4.4.1 Traditional Enrichment Tools 4.4.2 Molecular Targets 4.4.3 Genomics Methods Based on the Ribosomal RNA 4.4.4 Genomics Methods Based on the Ribosomal DNA 4.4.5 Diversity Analysis of Genomics Results 4.4.6 Functional Genomics Analysis 4.4.7 Transcriptomics 4.4.8 Proteomics 4.4.9 Functional Prediction 4.5 References 4.6 Bibliography 4.7 Problems 5 Stoichiometry and Energetics 5.1 An Example Stoichiometric Equation 5.2 An Empirical Formula for Microbial Cells 5.3 Formulations for Cells Containing Storage Produrcts 5.4 Substrate Partitioning and Cellular Yield 5.5 Overall Reactions for Biological Growth 5.6 Fermentation Reactions 5.6.1 Simple Fermentation 5.6.2 Mixed Fermentation …… 6 Microbial Kinetics 7 Biofilm Kinetics 8 Microbial Products 9 Reactor Characteristics and Kinetics 10 Methanogenesis 11 Aerobic Suspended-Growth Processes 12 Aerobic Biofilm Processes 13 Nitrogen Transformation and Recovery 14 Phospnorus Kemoval and Kecovery 15 Biological Treatment of Drinking Water A Free Energies of Formation for Various Chemical Species, 25℃ Index B1 Lagoons and Wetlands B2 Microbiological Detoxification B3 Microbial Electrochemical Cells B4 Photosynthetic Biofactories B5 Complex Systems |