内容推荐 这是作者公开出版的第二部文集,包含了作者对世界事务的看法和对一些关于中国的问题的回答。内容分成世界秩序、全球格局与中国角色、中美关系、中俄关系、亚洲问题等九章。鉴于当前国际形势的深刻变化,我们希望这本书能让读者更多地了解中国人民是如何看待世界的。 This is the second anthology by the author. It contains her views on world affairs, including her response to some of the questions raised about China. The anthology is divided into nine chapters that include: world order, global changes and China’s role, China-US relations, China-Russia relations and Asian issues. Given the profound changes in the current international situation, she hopes this book will give readers more insights about how people in China see the world. 作者简介 傅莹,北京外国语学院英语系毕业,英国肯特大学国际关系硕士研究生。曾任中国外交部亚洲司司长,驻菲律宾、澳大利亚、英国大使,外交部副部长。系十二届全国人大一至五次会议新闻发言人,现任十三届全国人大常委会委员。也是中国国际经济交流中心特邀副理事长、中国社会科学院全球战略智库首席专家。 目录 Preface World Order 2014: A Turning Point in the World Order Debating 21st Century Order Under a Common Roof: China’s View of the Global Order Disorder or Reconstruction of Order Global Changes and China’s Role For Peace and Development in the 21st Century A Century Later —A Retrospective on the Two World Wars Are China and the US Missing Opportunities International Order and China’s Place in It Major Countries Need to Build Trust Among Them Economic Globalization in a World Full of Uncertainties Global Changes and China’s Role China’s Vision for the World: A Community of Shared Future for Mankind China-US Relations China and the US , Learning to Work Together The Way Forward for China-US Relations How Chinese and Americans Are Reading Each Other and Why It Matters China and the US: Rebuilding Consensus Three Aspects of China-US Relations to Watch on the Eve of the G20 Summit in 2016 Dialogue with Henry Kissinger(I) : Growing Anxieties: How Overestimation of China is Affecting the US Views Dialogue with Henry Kissinger(II) : China’s Options and Impact on a New Order Dialogue with Henry Kissinger(III) : The World Order and China-US Relations Dialogue with Henry Kissinger(IV) : A Discussion on World Order Dialogue with Professor Francis Fukuyama China-Russia Relations Are China and Russia Partnering to Create an Axis Peace in Asia Northeast Asia Security Cooperation: the Role for China Harmony is a Blessing for China and its Neighbors Can East Asia Continue the Momentum of Regional Cooperation The Korean Nuclear Issue: Past, Present, and Future Is There Hope for Peaceful Settlement of Korean Nuclear Issue The South China Sea Why China Says No to the Arbitration on the South China Sea Issue South China Sea: How We Got to This Stage The Belt and Road Initiative China's BRI: A Contribution to Fulfilling the Age-old Dream of Eurasian Connectivity Chinese Way Different Pictures of China Let's Agree to Disagree in Harmony How Will China Influence the World China's Reform and Development Make Asia and the World Safer A View on China's International Standing China's Growth and the Debates on Orders China Needs to Better Communicate with the Outside World A Roadmap for Managing China's Rise Other In Memory of Ambassador Wu Jianmin