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内容推荐 英童书坊编纂中心主编的《歌谣(儿童英语主题联想)(精)》是一本专为儿童打造的英语歌谣合集,甄选国外流传至今的经典英语歌谣30首。儿童语言基础的建立离不开儿歌、韵文。本书会带领小朋友在欢快的音乐节奏中感受歌谣的魅力,奠定儿童学习英语的基础,激发儿童学习英语的兴趣,让小朋友从小就爱上英语。本书每首歌谣都配有趣味情景画面和生动的童趣形象,同时并配有点读功能和AR视频设计,生动有趣的歌谣搭配动画和人物肢体表演,让小朋友能更快地融入到歌谣中从而轻松地进行英语启蒙。 目录 Hickory Dickory Dock Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Row, Row, Row Your Boat The Wheels on the Bus Bingo Baa, Baa, Black Sheep Itsy Bitsy Spider The Alphabet Song Old MacDonald Had a Farm Five Little Monkeys London Bridge Five Little Speckled Frogs We Wish You a Merry Christmas Pat-a-cake Ten Little Indians Doremi Song Head and Shoulders The Muffin Man Six Little Ducks I'm a Little Teapot To Market, to Market Rain, Rain, Go Away This Is the Way Sing a Rainbow The Farmer in the Dell Humpty Dumpty If You're Happy and You Know It A Sailor Went to Sea Mr. Golden Sun One, Two, Buckle My Shoe 中文歌词