Chapter 1 Breaking with Tradition in English Reading Instruction
1.1 What is the challenge for English teacher of reading in the years to come
1.1.1 The new ]iteracy
1.1.2 The new teacher
1.2 What makes decision making difficult
1.2.1 The comp]e~ity of the classroom
1.2.2 The basal reading textbook
1.3 Current instructional practices in reading
1.4 Becoming an instruction decision maker
Chapter 2 Instructing and Teaching Reading
2.1 What is the goal of reading instruction
2.2 What is reading and reading comprehension
2.2.1 What is reading
2.2.2 Reading comprehension
2.2.3 Making sense out of reading
2.3 Building a reading curriculum
2.3.1 Sub goals of holistic reading instruction
2.3.2 The interaction of reading sub goals
2.4 The importance of knowing how to instruct and teach reading
Chapter 3 Students Diversity
3.1 Diversity as a way of life
3.2 "Voice" as a key to diversity
3.3 Experiences and student diversity
Chapter 4 What Approach,or Method Should be Used
4.1 The distinction between teaching and instruction
4.2 Properties of instruction
4.3 Distinctions between direct and indirect instruction
4.3.1 Direct instruction
4.3.2 Indirect instruction
4.3.3 Summary of direct or indirect instruction
4.3.4 Combing direct and indirect instruction
4.4 Motivating
4.4.1 Integration within a single lesson
4.4.2 Integration across lessons
4.5 Approach to organizing reading instruction
4.5.1 Basal text approach
4.5.2 Language experience approach
4.5.3 Literature-based approach
4.5.4 Basing instruction in whole language
4.6 Instruction decision-making
Chapter 6 Helping Students Comprehend Text:Content Goals
Chapter 7 Helping Students Use Words:Process Goals
Chapter 9 Helping Students Study:Process Goals
Chapter 10 How to Establish a Literate Environment:the Key to Whole Language Instruction
Chapter 11 Assessing Students during Classroom Interaction
Chapter 12 Grouping Whole Collaborative and Reading Level
Chapter 13 How to Modify Basal Text Prescriptions
Chapter 14 How to Plan and Teach Lessons and Units
Chapter 15 How to Manage Reading Instruction References