释义 |
U [ju:] (plural U's or Us) noun LETTER 字母 (also u (plural u's)) countable ■the 21st letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第21个字母 [ju:] (plural U's or Us) noun COLLEGE 大学 uncountable US written abbreviation for ■university •She goes to Kansas U/Sydney U.她就读于堪萨斯大学/雪梨大学。 [ju:] (plural U's or Us) adjective noun countable UK (US G) ■used to refer to a film that is considered suitable for children of any age (电影)U 级的,适合各年龄层观看的;U 级影片 [ju:] (plural U's or Us) adjective UK old-fashioned ■(of behaviour or ways of speaking) acceptable to or expected to be used by people of high social class (指行为、措辞)为上流阶级的 Compare non-U |