Effects on Guanxi by the Structure of Guanxi
Network in Industrial Markets: A Study of
Dissolution of Business Relationship
The Contingent Effects of Benevolence and Integrity on Brand Trust: An Examination of Moderators
Theoretical Perspectives on Global Service
Marketing= A Literature Review
The Shape of Probability Weighting Function-
Findings in A Binary Comparison
Effects of Perceived Quality, Perceived Value,
Brand Knowledge and Attitude of 2-Tier Store's
Own Label Products on Store Loyalty
A Dual-dimension Model of Customer Loyalty=
An Investigation of the Simultaneous Effects of
Satisfaction with Product and
Satisfaction with Service
Preference Asymmetry between Utilitarian and
Hedonic Products in Acquisition and Forfeiture.
Compact Disc versus Music CD
Power Structure of Distribution Channels from the
Perspective of Network: Conceptual Model and
Research Propositions
Effects of Credit Card Use on Impulsive Buying
A Study on Chinese College Students