Because biographical, textual, and critical and cultural studies of the past quarter of a century have provided more and better information about the Brontes and their times, we can better situate Emily's novel among those of her sisters and also better understand the cultural context of someone reading the 1847 or 1850 editions of Wuthering Heights. This edition's selective bibliography provides a guide to the Bronte scholarship which has made possible the fourth Norton Critical Edition of Wuthering Heights. I give primacy to the 1847 edition, because given both the independence of Emily's mind and art and the qualifications Charlotte's edition made to the work, it is helpful to read Wuthering Heights first as it appeared in 1847 and then to deal with it as edited and promoted by the then better-known Charlotte.
This best-selling Norton Critical Edition is based on the 1847 first edition of the novel. For the Fourth Edition, the editor has collated the 1847 text with several modern editions and has corrected a number of variants, including accidentals. The text is accompanied by entirely new explanatory annotations.
New to the Fourth Edition are twelve of Emily Bronts letters regarding the publication of the 1847 edition of Wuthering Heights as well as the evolution of the 1850 edition, prose and poetry selections by the author, four reviews of the novel, and Edward Chitham's insightful and informative chronology of the creative process behind this beloved work.
Five major critical interpretations of Wuthering Heights are included, three of them new to the Fourth Edition. A. Stuart Daley considers the importance of chronology in the novel. J. Hillis Miller examines Wuthering Heights's problems of genre and critical reputation. Sandra M. Gilbert assesses the role Victorian Christianity plays in the novel, while Martha Nussbaum traces the novel's romanticism. Finally, Lin Haire-Sargeant scrutinizes the role of Heathcliff in film adaptations of Wuthering Heights.
A Chronology and updated Selected Bibliography are alsoincluded.
Preface to the Fourth Edition
The Text of Wuthering Heights
Backgrounds and Contexts
Emily Bronts Diary
November 24, 1834
June 26, 1837
July 30, 1841
July 30, 1845
"The Butterfly"
Edward Chitham·Sculpting the Statue: A Chronology
of the Process of Writing Wuthering Heights
Publishing the 1847 Wuthering Heights
April 6, 1846
July 4, 1846
November 10, 1847
December 14, 1847
December 21, 1847
February 15, 1848
Reviews of the 1847 Wuthering Heights
Douglas Jerrold's Weekly Newspaper
Unidentified Review
New Monthly Magazine
North American Review
The 1850 Wuthering Heights in Progress
September 5, 1850
September 5, 1850
September 13, 1850
September 20, 1850
September 27, 1850
November 19[?], 1850
December 8, 1850
Charlotte Bront··Biographical Notice of Ellis and
Acton Bell
Charlotte Bront··Editor's Preface to the New
Edition of Wuthering Heights
Emily Brontfi's Poems for the 1850 Wuthering Heights
Charlotte Brontfi·Selections
40 [A little while, a little while]
42 [The bluebell is the sweetest flower]
39 [Loud without the wind was roaring]
84 [Shall Earth no more inspire thee]
79 [The night wind]
85 [Aye there it is! It wakes to night]
128 [Love is like the wild rose briar]
112 [From a Dungeon Wall]
106 [How few, of all the hearts that loved]
98 [In the earth, the earth thou shalt be laid]
35 [Song by J. Brenzaida to G.S.]
32 [For him who struck thy foreign string]
120a [Heavy hangs the raindrop]
120b [Child of Delight!]
123 [Silent is the House]
89 [I do not weep]
201 [Stanzas]
125 [No coward soul is mine]
Reviews of the 1850 Wuthering Heights
Eclectic Review
A. Stuart Daley·A Chronology of Wuthering Heights
J. Hillis Miller·Wuthering Heights: Repetition and
the "Uncanny"
Sandra M. Gilbert·Looking Oppositely: Emily Brontfi's
Bible of Hell
Martha Nussbaum·Wuthering Heights: The Romantic
Lin Haire-Sargeant·Sympathy for the Devil: The
Problem of Heathcliff in Film Versions of
Wuthering Heights
Emily Bront: A Chronology
Selected Bibliography