It is almost astonishing to read a brathtakingly accomplished .spy novel by a debut author--both insightful and realistic As terrifying and exciting as anything in the thriller subgeme. Make no mistake about it, Raelynn Hillhouse is potentially a very bright star in spy fiction.
A woman who smuggles, spies and lies, Faith Whitney slips through the world's tightest security with ease. Her activities have not gone unnoticed. One fateful day Faith is kidnapped by a foreign government and is presented with an offer she can't refuse. If she smuggles a package into Moscow, they will give her the one thing that has always eluded her-the truth about her mysterious father, whom she long believed was dead. If she refuses to cooperate with their plans,she'll be eliminated. As Faith navigates the shadows and back alleys of Berlin and Moscow, she realizes her life is not the only thing at stake. She has become entangled in an international conspiracy that threatens,the course of history, and she'll need every bit of her cunning, verve and passion, to maneuver herself through this deadly Rift Zone.