OFALL THE CONTROLLABLE FACTORS affecting firm performance, a workforce that can execute the firm's strategy is the most critical and underperforming asset in most busi-nesses. The problem is not that CEOs and senior managers don't recognize the importance of human capital. Rather,they lack the tools for measuring--and holding line managers accountable for-the impact their workforce has on strate-aic success.
1 The Three Challenges of Workforce
Measurement and Management
Part One: The Perspective Challenge
2 Differentiating Your Workforce Strategy
Part Two: The Metrics Challenge
3 Building the Workforce Scorecard
4 Linking the Workforce and HR Scorecards
Strategy Execution Through HR Management Systems
5 Collecting and Interpreting Workforce
Scorecard Data
Part Three: The Execution Challenge
6 Strategy Execution I
The Roles of the CEO, Executive Team,
and Workforce Metrics
7 Strategy Execution II
The Roles of Line Managers, the HR Function,
and Workforce Metrics
8 Communication and Learning Programs
for the Workforce Scorecard
9 The End Product
About the Authors