Lightfoot the Deer was originally published in 1921 and is just one of the delightful stories written by children's author Thornton W. Burgess. It was part of the Green Forest Series of four books. These stories first appeared in Burgess's newspaper story column. Mr. Burgess grew up in Sandwich,Massachusetts, on Cape Cod. It is here that he learned a deep appreciation of nature and the outside world. His nature stories have entertained and enlightened children since 1910.
Autumn should have been a season of contentment for the inhabitants of the Green Forest. Food was plentiful and all the young creatures born earlier in the year had been taught how to look out for themselves. It should not have been a sad time, but it was--because of the hunters and their long guns!
Lightfoot the Deer was especially concerned. "There"s nothing quite so terrible as being continually hunted," he thought. The handsome creature certainly had cause to worry, as young readers soon learn in this exciting and sensitively written tale by naturalist Thornton W.Burgess. With the opening of hunting season, Lightfoot finds himself pursued by a determined two-legged predator with a deadly weapon; and even with the help of his friends Sammy Jay, Paddy the Beaver, and--unexpeetedly--a concerned human, Lightfoot faces constant threats to his survival.
Young readers will find this exciting tale of a courageous animal filled with valuable lessons about nature and wildlife. Newly reset in large, easy-to-read type, the story is enhanced by Harrison Cady"s original illustrations.
Peter Rabbit Meets Lightfoot
Lightfoot"s New Antlers
Lightfoot Tells How His Antlers Grew
The Spirit of Fear
Sammy Jay Brings Lightfoot Word
A Game of Hide and Seek
The Merry Little Breezes Help Lightfoot
Wit Against Wit
Lightfoot Becomes Uncertain
Lightfoot"s Clever Trick
The Hunted Watches the Hunter
Lightfoot Visits Paddy the Beaver
Lightfoot and Paddy Become Partners
How Paddy Warned Lightfoot
The Three Watchers
Visitors to Paddy"s Pond
Sammy Jay Arrives
The Hunter Loses His Temper
Sammy Jay Is Modest
Lightfoot Hears a Dreadful Sound
How Lightfoot Got Rid of the Hounds
Lightfoot"s Long Swim
Lightfoot Finds a Friend
The Hunter Is Disappointed
The Hunter Lies in Wait
Lightfoot Does the Wise Thing
Sammy Jay Worries
The Hunting Season Ends
Mr. and Mrs. Quack Are Startled
The Mystery Is Solved
A Surprising Discovery
Lightfoot Sees the Stranger
A Different Game of Hide and Seek
A Startling New Footprint
Lightfoot Is Reckless
Sammy Jay Takes a Hand
The Great Fight
An Unseen Watcher
Lightfoot Discovers Love
Happy Days in the Green Forest