内容推荐 本书主要围绕2名中国孩子在国外英语环境下的英语习得发展情况,研究内容主要包括三个方面:一,对在ESL环境中学习和生活的中国儿童的英语学习内容进行全面梳理,结合案例阐述在ESL国家中学习和生活的2名中国儿童的英语词汇发展内容和特点;二,在ESL国家中学习和生活的2名中国儿童的英语句法发展特点和规律;三,基于真实案例的中国儿童二语能力发展模式构建。 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study 1.2 Factors Contributing to Children's SLA 1.3 Benefits of Bilingualism among Children 1.4 Strategies for SLA among Children 1.5 Research Methods to Explore Children's SLA 1.6 Characteristics of Children's Output in Vocabulary and Syntax Level 1.7 Statement of the Problem 1.8 Theoretical/Conceptual Framework Chapter 2 Methodology 2.1 Research Design 2.2 Participants and Sampling Technique 2.3 Research Instrument/Research Techniques 2.4 Data Gathering 2.5 Data Analysis 2.6 Intercoding Chapter 3 Results 3.1 Research Problem 1: Grammatical Categories in the Actual Utterances 3.2 Research Problem 2: Syntactic Features of the Utterances 3.3 Word Order Setting Null Subject Parameter in Sentences 3.4 Setting Head Position Parameter in Sentences 3.5 Setting Wh-Parameter in Sentences 3.6 Sentence Length 3.7 Sentence Types Chapter 4 Discussion 4.1 Limitations of the Study 4.2 Major Findings of the Study 4.3 Contribution of the Study 4.4 Conclusion 4.5 Recommendations References Data for the Dissertation |