demonstrate ['dem.ən.streɪt] verb SHOW 展示 ESSENTIAL transitive ■to show; to make clear 显示;表明•These figures clearly demonstrate the size of the economic problem facing the country.这些数字清楚表明了该国经济问题的严重程度。 •[+ that] Research has demonstrated that babies can recognize their mother's voice very soon after birth.研究显示,婴儿出生后很快就能辨识母亲的声音。 •These problems demonstrate the importance of strategic planning.这些问题显示出了战略规划的重要性。 ESSENTIAL transitive ■to show something and explain how it works 展示,演示•He's got a job demonstrating kitchen equipment in a department store.他找到一份在百货店示范厨房设备的工作。 •[+ question word] The teacher demonstrated how to use the equipment.老师示范了如何使用这种设备。 ['dem.ən.streɪt] verb EXPRESS 表达 transitive ■to express or show that you have a particular feeling, quality or ability 表达;表露;表现;显露•He has demonstrated a genuine interest in the project.他对该企划案表现出了极大兴趣。 •His answer demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of the question.他的回答表明他完全没有理解这个问题。 ['dem.ən.streɪt] verb MARCH 行进 intransitive ■to make a public expression that you are not satisfied about something, especially by marching or having a meeting 示威,游行•Thousands of people gathered to demonstrate against the new proposals.数千人聚集在一起示威,抗议这些新提案。 |