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单词 see
释义 see
[si:] (seeing, saw, seen)
 ESSENTIAL  intransitive or transitive
■to be conscious of what is around you by using your eyes 看见;看出
Turn the light on so I can see.打开灯,这样我才看得到。
"I can see you!"“我看得到你!”
[+ (that)] The teacher could see (that) the children had been fighting.老师可以看出,孩子们打过架。
[+ infinitive without to] Jacqui saw the car drive up outside the police station.雅基看见那辆汽车开到了警察局门口。
[+ -ing verb] From the window we could see the children playing in the yard.从窗户看去,我们可以看见孩子们在院子里玩耍。
[+ past participle] His parents saw him award ed the winner's medal.他父母观看了他获颁胜利奖牌。
See (= Look at) p. 23 for prices and flight details.票价与航班的具体详情请见第23页。
See over (= Look at the next page) for further information.更多资讯见下一页。
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to watch a film, television programme, etc. 看,观看(电影、电视节目等)
Did you see that documentary on Channel 4 last night?你昨天晚上看第四频道的纪录片了吗?
 ADVANCED  transitive often passive
■to be the time or place when something happens 是…的发生时间(或地点);见证
This summer has seen the end of water restrictions in the area thanks to a new reservoir.由于有了新水库,今年夏天该地区取消了用水限制。
you ain't seen nothing yet humorous
■said to mean that more surprising or exciting things are likely to happen 好戏还在后头呢
[si:] (seeing, saw, seen)
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to understand, know or realise 知道;明白;懂得
[+ (that)] I see (that) the social club is organising a theatre trip next month.我知道下个月联谊俱乐部正在筹划去看一次戏。
[+ question word] He can't see wh at difference it makes to come (= He doesn't think it is important if he comes) on Thursday instead of Friday.他认为就算星期五不来星期四来也可以。
They didn't see the need/any need (= understand that it was important) to notify their members of the changes in writing.他们认为没有必要书面通知其成员相关变化。
They only refused to help because they're too busy, but he seems to see more in it than that.他们拒绝帮忙的理由就是太忙,但他似乎觉得其中另有隐情。
"I'm tired." " So I see - you've been yawning all afternoon."“我累了。”“我知道―─你整个下午都在打哈欠”
The chairwoman thought the new scheme was a great improvement, but I couldn't see it myself (= couldn't understand why it was thought to be good, or didn't agree).女主席认为新方案有很大的改进,但我本人却不这么认为。
I was surprised that they couldn't see my point of view.我很讶异他们无法理解我的观点。
The government didn't want to be seen to be making concessions to terrorists.政府不想让人觉得他们在向恐怖分子妥协。
After she read his book she started to see the issue in another/a different/a new light (= differently).她读完他的书之后,开始以另一种/不同的/新的角度看待这个问题。
[si:] (seeing, saw, seen)
 ESSENTIAL  intransitive or transitive
■to meet or visit someone, or to visit a place 遇见;探望;和…来往;拜访
We're seeing friends at the weekend.我们周末要去拜访朋友。
I haven't seen Jerry around (= in the places I usually meet him) in the last few weeks.这几个星期我都没有看到杰里。
No one has seen much of Daryl since he got married.自从达里尔结婚以后,大家就不常见到他了。
They see a lot of each other (= are often together) at weekends.他们周末经常见面。
My mother is seeing the doctor again next week.我妈妈下周又要去看病。
The children wanted to see the circus.孩子们想看马戏表演。
The agent said they could see the house (UK alsosee round/through/ Australian usuallyover the house) at 3 p.m.经纪人说他们下午三点可以看房子。
 ADVANCED  transitive
■to have a romantic relationship with someone 和…谈恋爱
How long has she been seeing him?她和他交往有多久了?
[si:] (seeing, saw, seen)
 IMPROVER  transitive
■to consider or think about, especially to think about someone or something in a particular way, or to imagine someone doing a particular activity 看待;认为;考虑;想像
She didn't see herself as brave.她不认为自己很勇敢。
It was easy to see the gift as a sort of bribe.这份礼物很容易被当成是一种贿赂。
[+ obj + -ing verb] I can't see her accepting (= I don't think she will accept) the job in the present circumstances.我认为在目前情况下她不会接受那份工作。
As I see it/things/the situation , we'll have to get extra help.在我看来,我们得找更多的人帮忙。
Try and see it my way - I'll be left without any help if you go to Edinburgh tomorrow.设想一下我的处境——如果你明天去爱丁堡,我就孤立无援了。
[si:] (seeing, saw, seen)
GO WITH 和…一起去
   transitive usually + adverb or preposition
■to take someone somewhere by going there with them 陪同;护送
He saw his visitors to the door.他把客人送到门口。
Her friends saw her home.她的朋友们送她回到家。
The security guard saw the protesters off the premises.保全人员将抗议者赶出了工厂。
[si:] (seeing, saw, seen)
TRY TO DISCOVER 试图发现 [I + question word] to try to discover 查看;弄清
Will you see if you can get anyone to help?你看能否找一个人帮忙?
I'll see wh at I can do.我看看我可以做点甚么。
[si:] (seeing, saw, seen)
MAKE CERTAIN 确认 [+ (that)]
■to make certain that something happens 确认;保证
See (that) you're ready by five, or there'll be trouble.你要确保五点前做好准备,否则就会有麻烦。
The receptionist said he'd see (that) she got the message.接待员说他一定会把话传给她。
[si:] (seeing, saw, seen)
can't see further than the end of your nose
■If someone can't see further than the end of their nose, they do not notice what is happening around them. 只看到鼻子底下的事;对周围的事不闻不问
[si:] (seeing, saw, seen)
can't see the wood for the trees UK (US can't see the forest for the trees)
■to be unable to understand a situation clearly because you are too involved in it 见树不见林
[si:] (seeing, saw, seen)
have seen better days
■to be old and in bad condition 已经破败;风光不再
That jacket's seen better days. Why don't you get a new one?那件夹克很旧了,为甚么不买件新的?
[si:] (seeing, saw, seen)
have to be seen to be believed
■to exist, although it is difficult to believe 若非亲眼所见,否则真难以置信
The mess the burglars left behind had to be seen to be believed.若非亲眼所见,否则真难以置信,窃贼们竟会把这里搞得一片狼藉。
[si:] (seeing, saw, seen)
I/We'll (have to) see
■used to say that you will make a decision about something later 我/我们到时候再看看 ; 等着瞧
"Do you think there'll be time to stop for a meal?" "We'll see."“你认为会有时间吃饭吗?”“到时候再说。”
[si:] (seeing, saw, seen)
Let me see/Let's see
■used when you want to think for a moment about something 让我/我们想想,让我/我们看看
"Do you know a shop that sells sports clothes?" "Let me see - I think there's one near the station."“你知道哪里有卖运动服装的店家吗?”“让我想想—─我想车站旁边有一家。”
[si:] (seeing, saw, seen)
not see beyond sth disapproving
■to have your attention fixed on something and therefore be unable to consider other things 只关心…
The government cannot see beyond next year's general election.政府只关心明年的大选。
[si:] (seeing, saw, seen)
not see sb for dust UK informal
■when someone leaves quickly in order to avoid something (某人)逃之夭夭;(某人)躲得不见人影
If you let him know that Margaret's coming, you won't see him for dust.要是你让他知道玛格丽特会来,他一定会溜之大吉。
[si:] (seeing, saw, seen)
not see hide nor hair of sb informal
■to not see someone at all over a period of time 根本没见过(某人)的影子
I haven't seen hide nor hair of her since last Friday.自上周五开始我就根本没有见过她。
[si:] (seeing, saw, seen)
see sth coming
■to expect something to happen 预计…会发生
No one else had expected the factory to close, but we saw it coming.其他人都没想到工厂会倒闭,但是我们预料到了。
[si:] (seeing, saw, seen)
verbsee 1




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