释义 |
cradle ['kreɪ.dl] noun countable BED 床 ■a small bed for a baby, especially one that swings from side to side 摇床;摇篮•The nurse rocked the cradle.保姆摇动摇篮。 ['kreɪ.dl] noun countable TELEPHONE 电话 ■the object that you put a mobile phone, camera, PDA , etc. into in order to recharge (= put power into) its batteries or connect it to a computer (行动电话、相机、掌上型电脑等的)传输座(用来充电或把设备与电脑相连) ['kreɪ.dl] noun countable EQUIPMENT 设备 UK (US scaffold) ■a frame which hangs on the side of a building, ship, etc. for people to work from (悬挂在建筑物、船等侧面供工作用的)脚手架,吊架,吊篮 ['kreɪ.dl] noun countable the cradle of sth literary ■the place where something started …的摇篮;…的发源地,…的发祥地•Fossil records indicate that Africa was the cradle of early human evolution.化石记载表明非洲是早期人类进化的摇篮。 •the cradle of civilisation文明的发源地 ['kreɪ.dl] noun countable from (the) cradle to (the) grave ■for all of a person's life 从生到死,一辈子•She lived in the same village from the cradle to the grave.她一辈子都住在同一个村庄里。 ['kreɪ.dl] noun countable The hand that rocks the cradle (rules the world). saying ■said to emphasize that women have a strong influence on events through their children 摇摇篮的手(统治着世界)(强调母亲对孩子的深远影响)。 ['kreɪ.dl] verb transitive ■to hold something or someone gently, especially by supporting with the arms (尤指用手臂)轻托,轻抱•She cradled him tenderly in her arms.她把他轻轻地抱在怀里。 |