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单词 man
释义 man
[mæn] noun (plural men)
 ESSENTIAL  countable
■an adult male human being 成年男子,男人
a young/tall man年轻/高个子的男子
men and women男人和女人
the man in the green jacket穿绿夹克的男子
the men's 400 metres champion男子400米赛跑冠军
Steve can solve anything - the man's a genius.史蒂夫甚么疑难都解决得到——此人是个天才。
 ESSENTIAL  countable
■a male employee, without particular rank or title (没有明确职位或头衔的)男性员工
The gas company said they would send some men to fix the heating system.煤气公司说会派人来修暖气。
The man from the BBC wrote some positive things about the film.英国广播公司的人对影片作了正面的评价。
The military expedition was made up of 100 officers and men.军事探险队由100名军官和士兵组成。
Our man in Washington sent us the news by fax yesterday.我们驻华盛顿的同事昨天把这个消息传真过来。
old use My man (= male servant) will show you to the door.我的男仆会送您到门口。
a marketing/advertising, etc. man
■a man typical of or involved in marketing/advertising, etc. 市场行销/广告等人员
countable informal
■a woman's husband or male partner 丈夫;情夫;男朋友
I hear she's got a new man.我听说她找了个新男朋友。
Is there a man in her life?她有男人吗?
■mainly US informal
■used when talking to someone, especially a man (用于称呼,尤指对男子)老兄,老弟,小伙子,朋友
Hey, man, how are you doing?嘿,老兄,你好吗?
man and wife old-fashioned
■If a man and a woman are man and wife, they are married to each other. 夫妻,夫妇
the man only singular US slang
■the police 员警
[mæn] noun (plural men)
■the human race 人类,人
Man is still far more intelligent than the cleverest robot.人类仍远比最有智慧的机器人聪明。
Man is rapidly destroying the Earth.人类正迅速毁灭地球。
This is one of the most dangerous substances known to man.这是人类已知的最危险的物质之一。
Try to imagine what life must have been like for Neolithic man 10 000 years ago.想像一下一万年前新石器时代的人的生活是甚么样子。
countable literary or old-fashioned
■a person of either sex (不论性别的)人
All men are equal in the sight of the law.法律面前人人平等。
[mæn] noun (plural men)
■any of the objects that are moved or played with in games such as chess (国际象棋等游戏中的)棋子
[mæn] noun (plural men)
as one man formal
■If a group of people do something as one man they do it together at exactly the same time (全体)一致地
As one man, the delegates made for the exit.全体代表一起走向出口。
[mæn] noun (plural men)
It's every man for himself.
■something that you say which means that everyone in a particular situation is trying to do what is best for themselves and no one is trying to help anyone else 人不为己,天诛地灭(指在某种特定场合,每个人都会尽力维护自己的利益,而不会帮助他人)
It might be a civilized place to shop at other times but come the January sales, it's every man for himself.人们在购物时通常都能保持风度,但一月大减价则除外,这个时候,人不为己,天诛地灭。
[mæn] noun (plural men)
make a man (out) of sb
■to cause a young man or boy to act like an adult and take responsibility 使(年轻人或男孩)具有男子气概;使长大成人
A couple of years in the army should make a man of him.几年的军中生活会将他磨炼成男子汉。
[mæn] noun (plural men)
man and boy UK old-fashioned
■all a man's life 从童年到成年;一辈子
From 1910 to 1970 he worked in that factory, man and boy.从1910年到1970年,他一生都在那家工厂工作。
[mæn] noun (plural men)
be man enough to do sth
■to be brave enough to do something 敢于
He was man enough to admit he had made a mistake.他敢于承认自己所犯的错误。
[mæn] noun (plural men)
the man in the moon
■(in children's stories) the human face that you can imagine you see when you look at the moon 月中人,月宫人(在儿童故事中,指看着月亮幻想所看到的人)
[mæn] noun (plural men)
(as) man to man
■If two men talk (as) man to man, they talk seriously and honestly together as equals. (谈话)开诚布公地,平等而坦率地
[mæn] noun (plural men)
man's best friend
■a dog 狗
[mæn] noun (plural men)
man's inhumanity to man
■the cruelty which people show to each other 人与人之间的冷酷
Man's inhumanity to man never fails to shock me.人与人之间的残酷无情每每使我不寒而栗。
[mæn] noun (plural men)
a man's man
■a man who enjoys men's activities and being with other men 男人中的男人(喜爱男性活动、喜欢和男性呆在一起的男子)
Terry's what you'd call a man's man - I don't expect you'd find him at the ballet too many nights a week.特里是人们所说的男人中的男人——我想你不可能看见他一周好几个晚上都在看芭蕾舞。
[mæn] noun (plural men)
to a man
■every person in a group 每人,全体无例外地
There were 400 people at the meeting and they all, to a man, voted in favour.400人参加了会议,他们全都投了赞成票。
[mæn] noun (plural men)
You the man! US not standard
■used to praise a man who has done something well (用于称赞)做得不错,老兄!真有你的!
[mæn] verb transitive (-nn-)
■To man something such as a machine or vehicle is to be present in order to operate it 为…配备人手
The phones are manned 24 hours a day.电话每天24小时都有人值班。
Barricades were erected against the advancing government troops and they were manned throughout the night.设置了路障以阻挡政府军的前进,并且整夜有人看守。
Man the pumps!派人看着抽水机!
⇒ See also overmanned;undermanned;unmanned
[mæn] exclamation informal
■used as an exclamation, especially when you are expressing a strong emotion (用作感叹词,尤用于表示强烈的感情)啊,呀,哈,嘿
Man, we had a good time - we drank all through the night!嘿,我们昨晚真是尽兴,喝了一夜的酒!




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