内容推荐 《E英语教程(智慧版)》是针对艺体专业学生的特点、学习规律和教学需求,依据《大学英语课程教学要求》中“分类指导,因材施教”的教育理念,基于艺体专业学生的英语基础、认知风格和学习策略而策划的一套教材。该套教材通过注重引导和实效的练习和活动,使英语学习成为easy、enjoyable、effective的过程,令学生学习英语不再有畏难情绪,乐在学中,学用相成。同时,该套教材紧跟时代,配有数字学习卡,可以满足学生多元的学习需求。 本书为册。 目录 UNIT 1 Listening and speaking Distinguishing confusing pronunciations Greetings & responses Making introductions & responses Reading Reading Passage A A mother's letter to the world Passage B A violinist in the metro Grammar Possessives Writing Using correct punctuation Culture express University mottos UNIT 2 Listening and speaking Listening to names Giving & accepting suggestions Asking for suggestions Reading Passage A The girl Terry Fox Passage B Watching NBA for 10 years Grammar Pronouns Writing Using proper words Culture express National sports UNIT 3 Listening and speaking Listening to the sound/au/ Agreeing Disagreeing Reading Passage A Another door Passage B Is it really a smile? …… UNIT 4 UNIT 5 UNIT 6 UNIT 7 UNIT 8 Vocabulary |