Part I Overview: Twenty Years of
the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards
for CuLtural Heritage
Conservation (2000-2019)
Part II Reflections
Towards ExceLLence in Heritage Practice
in Asia and the Pacific:
Setting a Benchmark for Professional
Commentary and RefLections
on Laws and ReguLations
Commentary and RefLections
on Community, Rights and KnowLedge
Commentary and RefLections
on Heritage PoLicies, PrincipLes,
Processes and Ethics
Commentary and RefLections
on Heritage Education and
Commentary and RefLections
on SustainabLe DeveLopment
Part III FiveYears of the UNESCO
Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards:
Case Studies of Best
Conservation Practice,
2015 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Award Winners
Award of Excettence
Sree Vadakkunnathan TempLe, India
Award of Distinction
Sattpans of Yim 1in Tsai, Hong Kong SAR, China
J.N. Petit Institute, India
Award of Merit
Cangdong Heritage Education Centre,
Ping Yao Courtyard Houses, China
Xieng Thong TempLe, Lao PDR
Baan Luang Rajamaitri, ThaiLand
Honourabte Mention
Wansiea Cancer WeLLness Centre, AustraLia
Sanfang Qixiang, China
YHA Mei He House Youth HosteL, China
Parvati Nandan Ganapati TempLe, India
Award for New Design in Heritage Contexts
Port Arthur Penitentiary, AustraLia
Technical Brief:
Structural Stabilization using Grouted
2016 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Award Winners
Award of Excettence
Sanro-Den HaLL at Sukunahikona Shrine,
Award of Distinction
Taoping Oiang ViLLage, China
St. OLav's Church, India
Award of Merit
Cama BuiLding, India
WaLLs and Bastions of Mahidpur Fort, India
Shahi Hammam, Pakistan
Honourabte Mention
Fudewan Miners' ViLLage, China
Liu Ancestral HALL, China
Technical Brief:
Conservation of Decorated Lime Plaster
by Injection Grouting
OLd Tai Po PoLice Station, Hong Kong SAR,
Wu Changshuo Residence ArchaeoLogicaL
Site, China
Doon School Main BuiLding, India
Darugheh House, IsLamic RepubLic of Iran
Award for New Design in Heritage Contexts
The Brewery Yard, AustraLia
2017 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Award Winners
Award of Excellence
BLue House CLuster, Hong Kong SAR, China
Award of Distinction
Brookman and Moir Streets Precinct,
Technical Brief:
Brookman end Moir Streets
Development Guidelines
HoLy Trinity CathedraL, China
Award of Merit
Christ Church, India
Royal Bombay Opera House, India
Sri Ranganathaswamy TempLe, India
Great HaLL and CLock Tower BuiLdings,
The Arts Centre, New ZeaLand
Honourabte Mention
Bomonjee Hormarjee Wadia Fountain and
CLock Tower, India
Gateways of Gohad Fort, India
HaveLi Dharampura, India
WeLLington Fountain, India
Aftab CuLturaL House, IsLamic RepubLic of
Cathedral of the Good Shepherd and
Rectory BuiLding, Singapore
Award for New Design in Heritage Contexts
Jingdezhen Ceramic Industry Museum,
Macha ViLLage, China
Technical Brief:
Rammed-Earth Technology
Persian GuLf University - FacuLty of Arts and
Architecture, IsLamic Republic of Iran
2018 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Award Winners
Award of Excettence
Shijo-cho Ofune-hoko FLoat Machiya, Japan
Award of Distinction
The LAMO Centre, India
Technical Brief:
Conservation of Wall Paintings
Award of Merit
5 Martin Place, AustraLia
Aijing Zhuang, China
OLd Brick Warehouse of the Commercial
Bank of Honjo, Japan
Honourabte Mention
Hengdaohezi Town, China
Rajabai CLock Tower and University of
Mumbai Library Building, India
Ruttonsee MuLjee Jetha Fountain, India
Award for New Design in Heritage Contexts
Hart's MILL, AustraLia
Technical Brief:
CommunityParticipation in the Urban
Planning Process
Kaomai Estate 1955, ThaiLand
2019 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Award Winners
Award of Excettence
Tai Kwun Centre for Heritage and Arts,
Hong Kong SAR, China
Award of Distinction
Keyuan Garden, China