内容推荐 W.格雷纳著的《经典电动力学(英文版)》是一本内容完整实用面向大学生和硕士研究生的现代物理学教材。它以系统的、统一的、连贯的方式阐述了现代理论物理学的各个方面。这本书教材面世后,在德国产生了巨大的影响,其英文版的及时推出,对全世界理论物理学的教学也起了很好的促进作用。 目录 Foreword Preface Ⅰ Electrostatics 1 Introduction and Fundamental Concepts 2 Green's Theorems 3 Orthogonal Functions and Multipole Expansion: Mathematical Supplement 4 Elementary Considerations on Function Theory: Mathematical Supplement Ⅱ Macroscopic Electrostatics 5 The Field Equations for Space Filled with Matter 6 Simple Dielectrics and the Susceptibility 7 Electrostatic Energy and Forces in a Dielectric Ⅲ Magnetostatics 8 Foundations of Magnetostatics 9 The Vector Potential 10 Magnetic Moment 11 The Magnetic Field in Matter Ⅳ Electrodynamics 12 Faraday's Law of Induction 13 Maxwelrs Equations 14 Quasi-Stationary Currents and Current Circuits 15 Electromagnetic Waves in Vacuum 16 Electromagnetic Waves in Matter 17 Index of Reflection and Refraction 18 Wave Guides and Resonant Cavities 19 Light Waves 20 Moving Charges in Vacuum 21 The Hertzian Dipole 22 Covariant Formulation of Electrodynamics 23 Relativistic-Covariant Lagrangian Formalism 24 Systems of Units in Electrodynamics: Supplement 25 About the History of Electrodynamics Index