Here's the guide architects and building professionals need to meet the exploding demand for using stone in contemporary architecture and understand why stone is an attractive and practical option for new construction.
Magnificently illustrated with 300 illustrations (200 in beautiful full-color), the author covers every type of structure, including:Residential、Religious、Civic、Commercial.
Introduction The Power of Stone
Chapter 1 Building in Stone
Case Studies
Christian Brynildsen
and Jan Olav Jensen
Leper Hospital, Lasur,
Chopda, India, 1995
Peake, Short and Partners
Brewery, Malta, 1991
lan Ritchie Architects
Greenhouse and Park
Terrasson, France, 1994
lan Ritchie Architects
London Regatta Centre,
London, UK, 1999
Eric Parry Architects
Foundress Court, Pembroke
College, Cambridge, UK, 1998
OM Ungers
Wallraf-Richartz- Museum,
Cologne, Germany, 2001
Mario Botta
Synagogue Cymbalista,
Tel Aviv, Israel, 1996-8
Edouard Frangois
and Associates
ChAteau-le-Lez Housing,
Montpellier, France, 2000
Marc Mimram
Residences, 72 Boulevard
Barbes, Paris, France, 1995
Michael Hopkins
Queen's Building, Emmanuel
College, Cambridge, UK, 1995
Wandel Hoefer Lorch + Hirsch
New Synagogue, Dresden
(Saarbrucken), Germany, 2001
Chapter 2 Petrified
Case Studies
Eduardo Souto de Moura
Football Stadium, Braga,
Portugal, 2003
Antoine Predock
Spencer Theater
for the Performing Arts,
Alto, New Mexico, 1997
Jensen & Skodvin Architects
Mortensrud Church, Oslo,
Norway, 2002
Juan Navarro Baldeweg
Museum and Study Centre,
Altamira Caves, Cantabria,
Spain, 1997-2000
Renzo Piano Building Workshop
Beyeler Museum, Basle,
Switzerland, 1997
Kengo Kuma
Stone Museum, Nasu,
Japan, 2000
C6sar Ruiz-Larrea Cangas
and Associates
Ethnographic Museum,
Guimar, Tenerife, Spain, 1999
Gouwy, Grima, Rames
Private house, S6niergues,
France, 1998
Eduardo Souto de Moura
House, Moledo, Porto,
Portugal, 1998
Zvi Hecker and Raft Segal
Palmach Museum, Tel Aviv,
Israel, 1998
Alvaro Siza
Galician Centre of
Contemporary Art, Santiago de
Composteta, Spain, 1988-93
Renzo Piano Building Workshop
Padre Pio Pilgrimage Church,
Foggia, Italy, 1991-2003
Chapter 3 Urban Stones
Case Studies
Rafael Moneo
City Hall, Murcia, Spain, 1999
Madridejos and Sancho
Town Hall and Civic Centre,
San Fernando de Henares,
Spain, 1994-6
C Martinez, E Pemjean,
R Pemjean
Town Hall and Meeting Room,
Madarcos, Spain, 1996
Raffaele Cavadini
Municipal Buildings, Iragna,
Switzerland, 1994-5
Antoine Predock
Center for Integrated Systems,
Stanford University, Palo Alto,
California, USA, 1997
Eric Parry Architects
Office Building, 27-30 Finsbury
Square, London, UK, 2002
Richard Meier
Getty Center, Los Angeles,
California, 1984-97
Berthold H. Penkhues
Museum in Korbach,
Germany, 1999
Ortner and Ortner
Museum for Modern Art,
Vienna, Austria, 2001
Tony Fretton Architects
Private House, Chelsea,
London, UK, 2001
Selected Reading
Project credits
Picture credits