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内容推荐 Maxine F.Huffman(玛克辛F.哈夫曼)和Donald M.Huffman(唐纳德M.哈夫曼)夫妇,在美国大学执教多年,阅历丰富,热爱生活。在与浙江大学合作编写大学英语教材的过程中,他们对中国产生了深厚的感情,视中国为第二个家。在中国朋友的邀请下,深谙中国英语学习者特点与兴趣的Huffman夫妇通过博客记录了自己生活的点点滴滴,折射出美国社会文化生活的方方面面:风俗传统、社交生活、职业爱好、居家细节、生活感悟…… 《走进美国文化(高等学校英语拓展系列教程)》这本小书,就像一位亲切的朋友,以丰富多样的话题、自然平易的文笔、图文并茂的版式,引领我们走进美国社会,近距离了解细微生动的美国文化。 目录 Jan. Christmas Is Over The First Step for Choosing a U.S. President 2008 Saving Electricity Feb. Blitzen IV Surprise Endings My Day Probability, Risk, and Gambling Searching for Iowa's Prairies Reading Circle My First Red Eft Buying a Car & the World's Economic Problems Making Connections for the Chinese New Year My Talisman Leap YearDay Mar. Women's World of March Madness Why I Play and Teach the Pipe Organ Dyeing Easter Eggs ! St. Patrick's Day Golden Girls Spring Break Spring Forward, Fall Back Schedules, Meetings, and Growing Older Life as an Artist The Windmill In like a Lion, but Not Out like a Lamb Apr. Funerals History Day April Fool's Day An International Businessman Meals on Wheels Lunch Lady Reading with Children Natural Disasters Mushrooms and Spring Garbage In, Garbage Out Cleaning Up After the Storms May Spring Cleaning The Rewards of Teaching Tulip Time The Battle of the Bottle and War on Waste Mother's Day Grilling Planting Trees Strawberries and Springtime Memorial Day Jun. Fly Fishing Water Is Important Father's Day Jul. Independence Day Dutch Day Camp in Pella, Iowa No Place Is Perfect Aug. Prairie and Buffalo Preserve Ice Cream Birthdays Mushroom Poisonings Sept. Labor Day Weekend Main Street U.S.A. Smoke lumper Sweatshirts Oct. Our Dog Central College Homecoming Weekend Columbus Day Feeding the Animals The 31st Lemming Race at Central College More Book Space Fall Foliage Tailgating It's Time for Pumpkins and Jack-O'-Lanterns A Halloween Tradition--Trick or Treat for UNICEF Nov. Seasonal Projects Private Property and Personal Rights Home Again Our Backyard Bird Feeders Football American Style Things to Be Thankful for Winter Survival Comfort Food Another Thanksgiving My Christmas Cactus Dec. Verbiage--A Political Battle of Words Finally I'm Hip Sinterldaas Day Winter Travel