内容推荐 本桥洋一主编的《解析数论(英文)》主要介绍了解析数论的最新进展,包含了解析数论领域国际领先人物的杰出贡献,讲述了Zeta函数、关于哥德巴赫猜想的经典问题,以及丢番图方程等相关问题。本书适合数学系高年级本科生、研究生,以及数学爱好者参考阅读。 目录 1.Subvarieties of Linear Tori and the Unit Equation A Survey 2.Remarks on the Analytic Complexity of Zeta Functions 3.Normal Distribution of Zeta Functions and Applications 4.Goldbach Numbers and Uniform Distribution 5.The Number of Algebraic Numbers of Given Degree Approximating a Given Algebraic Number 6.The Brun-Titchmarsh Theorem 7.A Decomposition of Riemann's Zeta-Function 8.Multiplicative Properties of Consecutive Integers 9.On the Equation (xm - 1)/(x - 1) = yq with x Power 10.Congruence Families of Exponential Sums 11.On Some Results Concerning the Riemann Hypothesis 12.Mean Values of Dirichlet Series via Laplace Transforms 13.The Mean Square of the Error Term in a Genelarization of the Dirichlet Divisor Problem 14.The Goldbach Problem with Primes in Arithmetic Progressions 15.On the Sum of Three Squares of Primes 16.Trace Formula over the Hyperbolic Upper Half Space 17.Modular Forms and the Chebotarev Density Theorem II 18.Congruences between Modular Forms 19.Regular Singularities in G-Function Theory 20.Spectral Theory and L-functions 21.Irrationality Criteria for Numbers of Mahler's Type 22.Hypergeometric Functions and Irrationality Measures 23.Forms in Many Variables 24.Remark on the Kuznetsov Trace Formula 编辑手记