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书名 孙中山革命与美国(英文版)
分类 文学艺术-传记-传记
作者 郝平
出版社 外语教学与研究出版社



郝平编写的《孙中山革命与美国(英文版)》讲述了:Why was the Xing Zhong Hui, the important anti-Qingorganization, established in Honolulu?

Why did the revolution in its early stages rely primarily on theresources of overseas Chinese?

What influence did the important American figures,such as GeorgeWashington, Thomas Jefferson,Abraham Lincoln, and Henry George,have on the development of Sun Yat-sen's Three Prinaples of thePeople and Five Power Constitution?

This monograph attempts to address these questions while at thesame time providing a comprehensive account of Sun's manyrevolutionary activities. The nine chapters deal with the periodsthat Sun spent in the U.S., and the unique issues that faced therevolutionary leader while living abroad. By making use ofheretofore rarely known historical materials, the author provides aunified and coherent account of the American influence on SunYat-sen.




Chapter One:China, Hawai'i, and the United States

1.The Chinese in America

2.The Discovery and Development ofHawai'i

3.Contributions of the Chinese to Hawai'i

4.Sun Mei, the "King ofMau'i"

5.Chapter Summary

Chapter Two: Sun Yat-sen and (hristianity

1.Seeking Knowledge in Hawai'i

2.The Confiict Between Christian Baptismal Rites and ChineseTraditions

3.Sun Yat-sen's Religious Views

4.Chapter Summary

Chapter Three:Why the Xing Zhong Hui Was Founded in Hawai'i

1.The Formation of Sun Yat-sen's Anti-Qing Thought

2.The Founding ofthe Xing Zhong Hui

3.The First Revolutionary Operation of the Xing Zhong Hui:TheGuangzhou Uprising

4.Chapter Summary

Chapter Four: The Great Debate Between the Revolutionaries and(onstitutionalists

1.Organizing Revolutionary Forces in America and Rallying PublicSupport

2.The Historical Context ofthe Struggle Between the Revolutionariesand Constitutionalists

3.Early Debates in Honolulu Between the Revolutionary andConstitutional Factions

4.Debates over the Principles ofthe Revolutionaries andConstitutionalists

5.Chapter Summary

Chapter Five:Joining the Hong Men Huiand Issuing the FirstDeclaration to the World

1.Setting Up the Chinese Revolutionary Army and Obtaining aHawaiian Birth Certificate

2.Joining and Being Rescued by the Hong Men Hui

3.Rousing the Chee Kung Tong to Participate in the Revolution

4.The Publication for Foreigners ofthe First Declaration ofRevolution

5.Chapter Summary

Chapter Six: Establishing the Tong Meng Hui-ATurning

Point in the (hinese Democratic Revolution

1.Revolutionary Organizations inside and outside China before theEstablishment of the Tong Meng Hui

2.The Establishment ofthe Tong Meng Hui

3.The Political Stance ofthe Tong Meng Hui

4.The Chinese Revolution after the Establishment of the Tong MengHui

5.Chapter Summary

Chapter Seven: The Founding of the U.S.Tong Meng Hui and the Red Dragon Plan

1.The Founding of the North America and San Francisco

Tong Meng Hui Associations

2.General Homer Lea

3.From Rong Hong's "Red Dragon Plan" to the "North

Long Beach Plan"

4.Why the Red Dragon Plan Failed

5.Chapter Summary

Chapter Eight: Fundraising on the Eve of the Revolution and Diplomatic Maneuvering Afterward

1.Emergency Fundraising on the Eve of the Revolution

2.Instigating the Unification of the Tong Meng Hui and

the Chee Kung Tong, and Establishing the Hong Men

Fundraising Bureau

3.Working to Consolidate Political Power and to Open Up

Extensive Diplomacy

4.The Establishment of China's First Democratic Republic

5.Chapter Summary

Chapter Nine: The Influence of the United States on Sun Yat-sen

1.George Washington--A Model of Conduct for Sun Yat-sen

2.The Influence of Abraham Lincoln on the Three

Principles of the People

3.Henry George's Land Laws and Sun Yat-sen's

Equalization of Land Rights

4.The Influence of the U.S.Declaration of Independence

on Sun Yat-sen's Political Thought

5.Delos F.Wilcox's Government by All the People

6.The Influence of the U.S.Democratic System

7.The Five-Power Constitution


Appendix One: Important Events in the Revolutionary Life of Sun

Yat-sen (1879-1912)

Appendix Two: Bibliography

Appendix Three: The First Man that Shed Blood for the Chinese Republic

By William K.Luke

Appendix Four: Spared by the Executioner's Sword

By William K.Luke

Appendix Five: The Honolulu Advertiser

By A1 Castle





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