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书名 辨法法性论研究(第3卷共2册)(英文版)/汉藏佛学研究丛书
分类 人文社科-哲学宗教-宗教
作者 (美)罗伯逊
出版社 中国藏学出版社

罗伯逊所著的《辨法法性论研究(第3卷)》是Raymond E. Robertson先生撰译的研究《辨法法性论》的四部专著中的第三部,现选入由中国人民大学国学院和北美汉藏佛学研究会主办的“汉藏佛学丛书”。《辨法法性论》研究(第三卷)集中讨论藏传佛教各宗诠释本论于见地上的异同,并将此等抉择见与印度论师的瑜伽行论著作进行比较。作者认为,绒师与不败尊者以大中观见抉择《辩法法性论》等瑜伽行论的教法,较诸贤慧马鸣的格鲁应成见的抉择,更为接近印度瑜伽行派论师的观点。另外,作者将两篇相关的释论译出附于书后供读者研习。




Introduction to the Dharmadharmatavibhahga

  1. What is the purpose of the


Summary of Blo bzang rta dbyangs's conflict

with Rong ston

The topic of "characteristics" in Madhyantavibhdga

Some authors' statements of a text's purpose

  Santaraksita's statement of purpose in his

  Tattvasahgraha according to Kamalasila

  Nagajuna's statement of purpose in his

  Mulamadhyamakakdrikd according to

  Candrakirti in his Prasannapadd

  Dharmakirti's statement of purpose in his

  Nydyabindu according to Dharmottara and


Is it the pair dharma and dharmata (as Blo bzang rta

dbyangs asserts) or the pair samsara and nirvana (as

Rong ston and Mi pham assert) that verse 1 teaches

are respectively to be abandoned and manifest

 2. Manufacturing an illusion rather than seeing reality

  3. Reality is to be known through the progressive

elimination of error (which means the yogin is to

stop, as per Dharmadharmatavibhangakarika 19,

originating the view of duality since duality,

being unoriginated, is present in error; he should

instead attune to the thusness of the three buddhistic


 4. Dharmadharmatavibhangakarika 6-7:

Appearance of nonexistent duality is the cause of


 5. Dharmadharmatavibhahga and Gilbert Ryle:

Their attack on "imputed objects of consciousness

and introspection"

 6. Superseding appearances as subject and object

 7. A brief note on the dGe lugs interpretation of

Maitreyan Yogacara: Is it designed to attack

Dol po pa?

Rong ston's commentary on the

Dharmadharmatavib hatigakarika

 Schematic of contents of Rong ston's commentary

 The Great Drum of the Gods that is Excellently

 Teaching: An Explanation of The Discrimination of

 Thematic Reality and Reality-itself [of Maitreya]

Mi pham's commentary on the

D harmadharmatavibhang akarika

 The topics comprising Mi pham's commentary

 Discerning Primordial Awareness and Appearance:

 A commentary on The Verses of The Discerning of

 Thematic Meaning and Reality-itself

Mi pham's commentary to Bodhicaryavatara

9:15c-29 (Santideva's refutation of the mentalists

(rnam rig smra ba rnams, Skt. vijntaptivadin))

 Part One: The refutation of the mentalist theory

      that perceptual forms are veridical

 Part Two: Refutation of the mentalist theory

      that perceptual forms are delusive

Mi pham's commentary on the Thirty Verses



 Dharmadharmatavibhanga and Trimsika

 Content of Mi pham's commentary on Trimsika

 The contents of Mi pham's commentary:

 Schematic showing the main topics of the Trimsika

 according to verses

 Translation of Mipham's commentary to the

 Trimsikakarika (The Thirty Verses)

 Supplement to Mi pham's commentary to verse 19:

 Sthiramati's commentary on Trimsika 19 (the all-

 ground awareness and the proof of its existence)



Chinese abstract





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