释义 |
stuffing ['stʌf.ɪŋ] noun uncountable MATERIAL 材料 ■material which is pushed inside something to make it firm 填料,填充物•This cushion is losing its stuffing.这个垫子内藏的填料散失。 ['stʌf.ɪŋ] noun uncountable FOOD 食物 ■a mixture of food, such as bread, onions and herbs, which is put inside something which is going to be eaten, such as a chicken or a vegetable, before cooking it (烹饪前塞在鸡、蔬菜等里的)填料,馅•a stuffing for the turkey火鸡填馅 •sage-and-onion stuffing洋苏叶和洋葱填料 ['stʌf.ɪŋ] noun uncountable beat/kick/knock the stuffing out of sb informal ■to hit or kick someone very severely 狠狠打/踢/揍(某人)•The muggers really kicked the stuffing out of him.劫匪把他打了个半死。 ['stʌf.ɪŋ] noun uncountable knock/take the stuffing out of sb/sth informal ■to make someone or something become very weak 严重削弱,使元气大伤•Her illness has really knocked the stuffing out of her.疾病把她折磨得不成人样。 |