Part 1 顺畅表达,直接套公式!
Unit 1 get 公式,简单又常用
I don't get...
I'll go get...
I got you...
I've got a problem with...
How did you getting nowhere...
Unit 2 say 和 talk,想说轻松说
Are you saying (that)...?
All I'm saying is...
I have to say...
Let's say...
Let's just say...
It's/That's like saying... say the least about how...
Unit 3 tell 不止告诉,含义很多
Please tell me (that)...
Don't tell me (that)...
...tells me (that)...?!
I'm telling you, ...
(I'll) tell you what, ...
I can tell...
You can never tell...
Unit 4 系动词 be,用法多
I'm good with...
I'm not cut out for/to...
I'm in the middle of...
It's a shame (that)...
Unit 5 know 是知道,可以这样用
I don't know anything about...
I know..., but...
I don't know how...
You don't even know...
I don't know about you, but...
You knew full well...
...before you know it.
Unit 6 gonna & wanna口语常用,挺好记
You're not going to/gonna...
You don't want to/wanna...
There is going to/gonna be...
What am I going to/gonna...
I'm going to/gonna have to...
You're gonna have to...
You're gonna wanna...
Unit 7 think 表示想,用法不一
I think I'm going to/gonna...
I never thought I would...
Who would've thought (that)...?
Come to think of it, ...
I think you deserve...
Unit 8 see & look 同是看,意思有区别
I see...
I don't see...
I can see (that)....
Can't you see...?
rlt see....
The way I see it, ...
I can't see...
I'm looking to...
Unit 9 guess & suppose,差别要分清
I guess (that)...
You'll never guess...
You're supposed to...
You were supposed to...
What am I supposed to...?
How am I supposed to...?
Part 2 想你所想,畅所欲言!
Unit 10 歉意、感激,时常挂嘴边
I'm sorry, but...
Thanks to...
I wanted to apologize for...
I'd appreciate it if you could...
I feel sorry for...
You'll be sorry...
Unit 11 表明意见,方式多样
I don't like the way...
I've had it with...
You're the one who...
You can't (just)...
You could at least...
There is no excuse for...
You of all people...
I hate to say this, but...
Unit 12 确不确定,这样说就行
I bet (that)...
Are you positive (that)...?
rm convinced (that)
I'm not clear...
...,that's for sure..
I'll be sure to...
There's a good chance (that)...
Unit 13 多种意愿,随意表达
I'm (just) asking you to....
I'll let..,know...
If there's anything (that)...
I was hoping (that)...
Unit 14 各种情感,随你抒发
I am/was thrilled...
I'm into...
I don't feel up to...
I'm a big fan of...
sb. is obsessed with...
I like the way you...
I hate the way you... not my thing
Unit 15 征求建议,轻松说出口
Do you think I should...?
How do you like...?
What do you say...?
I'd just like to say (that)...
What makes you think (that)...?
I would have to say...
Part 3 表达疑问,套着公式说!
Unit 16 what 常见,记着也简单
What's up with...?
What's it like...?
What did you do with/to...?
What kind of...?
What's the point of...?
So what you're saying is (that)...?
That's exactly what...
What I mean is...
What matters (the) most is...
Unit 17 how 除了方式,另有含义
How come...?
How am I going to/gonna...?
How are you going to/gonna...?
How is it (that)...?
It's the way how...
How about if...?
Unit 18 who & which & why,学起来并不难
Who do you think...?
Who is/
Which of these...?
Why can't you...?
Why are you being so...?
That explains why....
Unit 19 when & where,时间地点分清楚
When are you going to/gonna...?
When do you think...?
When is...due?
That's where...
Part 4 情态动词,套着公式更好学!
Unit 20 should 是否应该,要区分
Should I...?
Maybe I (we) should...
Maybe you should...
...should be...
You should have seen/heard...
Unit 21 can & could,能和能也不同
...can be...
...can't be...
I (just) can't seem to...
I can't help it if...
I can't..., let alone...
I could never....
I couldn't care less...
Unit 22 will & would,不要混淆过去和现在
You won't believe...
No one would...
I said I'd...
I wish you wouldn't...
I would hate to...
I'd kill for/to...
Unit 23 may & might & must etc,都表示推测
You might as well...
You might want to/wanna...
...may be..., but...
I must admit...
If you must...
...had better...
Didn't you use to...?
Part 5 说明想法,套上公式就OK!
Unit 24 not & no 有差异,分清很重要
Not everyone...
You're not that...
Don't make me...
There's no way...
There's nothing like...
It's not that...
I don't think...should...
Like/Believe it or not
Unit 25 各种 that 从句,轻松掌握
Every time (that)...
I want you to know (that)...
Good thing is (that)...
It's about time (that)...
It turns out (that)...
The bottom line is (that)...
Let's hope (that)...
I figured (that)...
Unit 26 阐述观点,其实挺简单
This/That is quite a...
I can't afford to...
It's/That's probably because...
Just as you know...
...ended up...
I know better than to...
What's worse is (that)...
...if you ask me
...bucks says...
Unit 27 假设和推测,说法不同 if...
Just because...doesn't mean...
...except (that)...
...was/were like....
Part 6 感情表达,套用公式更容易!
Unit 28 打扰他人,要有礼貌
I'd be happy to....
If you don't mind,...
No offense, but...
You are more than welcome to...
I'm sorry to bother you, but...
I beg to differ...
Unit 29 不喜欢,就这样说
I'm not big on..., but...
I find...
...have a way with...
I fail to...
I take it (that)...
On second thought...
It doesn't hurt to...
It just occurred to me (that)...
I was under the impression (that)...