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书名 | 用美国小孩的方法学英语最有效(附光盘) |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | 蒋志榆 |
出版社 | 吉林出版集团股份有限公司 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 为了达到学习英语的目的,本书的编者针对原汁原味的英语,更是精心为读者提供了精美的中文译文以及配套的练习,以增强英语学习的效果。就本书内容所涵盖的主题来看,很少有传统的英语学习教材能给读者如此包罗万象的知识。本书分六大版块,从自然科学到美国社会风情,从美国历史到日常的语文、数学的学习,以及其他诸如体育、音乐、手工制作等无所不包,仿佛一部小型的百科全书,使读者能在最短的时间内学到全方位的英语。本书更能让读者脱离传统本土的以语法、单词、句型为导向的教科书,让英语变成多角度的实用生活英文。 目录 自然科学 Hunter in the Sky The Space Shuttle Our Big Universe Our Amazing Skin Tears and More Tears How does Nervous System Work The Digestive System Telltale Prints Meat-eating Plants Stop That Pacing, Fido Secret Sharks Disappearing Dinosaurs Animal Partners How do Animals Sleep Koalas Tales of Tail The Food Chain The Layer of Earth Pollution Energy 社会 Symbols of My America My America's Freedoms Crazy Town,U.S.A. How to Win a Prize How to Box the Gnat King of the Worms How the Mail is Delivered The Pony Express Money Doctors Our Great Leaders Changes in Farming Trains of the Past Umbrellas Paper The History of Kites Garden Art Yellowstone National Park American's Fifty States Ferris's Wheel Tepees: Native American Homes Olympic Games 历史 Columbus Discovers the New World The Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony The Boston Tea Partv and the Declaration of Independence The American Revolution The Mexican War The Civil War World War Ⅰ The Great Depression World War Ⅱ The Cold War The End of the Cold War 语文 Synonyms and Antonyms Homophones Spelling Kinds of Sentences Joining Sentences Contractions Present-Tense and Past-Tense Verbs Analogies How to Write a Paragraph Personal Narrative Story Order How to Write a Friendly Letter How to Address an Envelop Book Report Writing 数学 Two-digit Addition Three-digit Subtraction Problem Solving Rounding off Numbers Estimation of Sums Multiply with 2 and 6 The Meaning of Division Muhistep Problems Meaning of Fractions Meaning of Decimals Fraction and Decimal Equivalents Perimeter Area Figures Write the Value of Money Elapsed Time 其他 Physical Education One! Two! Three! Go! Ready! Get Set! Pedal! My America Songs How to Decorate a T-Shirt Make a Drum Pet Day at School Our Class Play |
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