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书名 | 广告语篇中的意识形态(批评话语分析) |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
作者 | 李桔元 |
出版社 | 上海交通大学出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 本书首先对国内外广告语言研究作了一个回顾并且分析了现有研究的局限性,然后提出本书的研究范围、目标以及理论取向和方法。其次对批评话语分析的理论进行综述,包括历史发展、理论流派,重点探讨了批评话语分析理论中的三个关键概念:话语、权力、意识形态以及三者之间的关系;最后描述了本书用于分析广告文本的理论框架。而后对广告语篇意识形态的多角度分析。最后对全书的讨论作总结,概述了研究发现、研究的不足。 内容推荐 本书是语言学领域内有关批评话语分析的专著,也是第一本对广告语篇系统进行批评性研究的著作。批评话语分析是近年来国外发展迅速、国内正在兴起的一门关于语篇分析的理论与实践的学科。本书从理论上进一步厘清了批评话语分析的几个核心概念和结构体系,从实践上对作为公共语篇的广告语篇进行了较为系统的批评性分析,这在批评话语分析的具体应用上作出了有益的探索。 目录 Acknowledgements List of Figures and Tables Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Background of studies of advertising language 1.2 Research questions and significance of this study 1.3 Theoretical and methodological orientations of this study 1.4 Data collection 1.5 Organization of the dissertation Chapter Two Theory Preliminaries 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Critical discourse analysis 2.2.1 From discourse analysis to critical discourse analysis 2.2.2 A survey of critical discourse analysis 2.3 The view of discourse in critical discourse analysis 2.3.1 Discourse vs. Text 2.3.2 Discourse as action 2.3.3 Discourse as ideologies 2.4 Ideology and power in language 2.4.1 Ideology 2.4.2 Power 2.4.3 The relationship among language, ideology and power 2.5 The text-oriented framework for analysing ideologies 2.5.1 Hallidayan paradigm : text functionality in context 2.5.2 Framework for analysing ideology in discourse: Fairclough' s three-dimension model 2.6 Summary Chapter Three Modality as Explicit Representation of Ideologies in Advertising Discourse 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The ideological nature of modality 3.3 Meaning dimensions and grammatical devices of modality 3.3.1 Meaning dimensions of modality 3.3.2 Grammatieal devices of modality 3.4 Modality and its ideological meanings in advertising discourse 3.4.1 Ideological meanings of modality in advertising disco urse: a case study 3.4.2 Modality distribution in advertising texts: empirical studies 3.5 Summary Chapter Four Personal system as Representation of Ideologies in Advertising Discourse 4.1 Introduction 4.2 The functions of personal pronouns:SFL perspective 4.3 The politics of some personal pronouns 4.3.1 "them and us" attitude 4.3.2 "me" and "you" :subjectivity or empathy 4.4 Ideological meanings of personal pronotms in ads 4.4.1 Characteristics of use of personal pronouns in ads 4.4.2 Personal pronouns work ideologically in building relations 4.5 Snmmary Chapter Five Transitivity as Implicit Representation of Ideologies m Advertising Discourse 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Transitivity as the construal of experience 5.3 Transitivity as representation of ideologies 5.4 Transitivity system and the power relations in advertising discourse 5.5 Summary Chapter Six Intertextnality as Representation of Ideologies in Advertising Discourse 6.1 Introduction 6.2 What is intertextuality 6.2.1 Bakhtin:dialogism and heteroglossia 6.2.2 Kristeva:intertextuality as dialogue between texts or text and social context 6.2.3 Other interpretations of the term "intertextuality" 6.2.4 Intertextuality and interdiscursivity 6.3 The ideological functions of intertextuality 6.4 Intertextuality as hegemonic struggle in advertising discourse 6.5 Summary Chapter Seven Conclusion 7.1 Summary of this dissertation 7.2 Major findings 7.3 Limitations of this study 7.4 Suggestions for further research Appendices Bibliography |
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