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书名 | 英美诗歌选读(高等学校英语专业系列教材) |
分类 | 教育考试-大中专教材-成人教育 |
作者 | 张剑//赵冬//王文丽 |
出版社 | 外语教学与研究出版社 |
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简介 | 编辑推荐 高等学校英语专业系列教材是一套为英语专业高年级本科生和研究生编写的教材,包括英语语言技能、英语专业知识和相关专业的知识三个方面。本系列教材的开放式,涵盖面广,设计科学,注重时代性、知识性与实用性,有助于学习者在掌握英语技能的基础上进一步扩展知识领域,培养应用能力,提高综合素质。 内容推荐 本书分“英国诗歌”和“美国诗歌”两部分,介绍从文艺复兴到21世纪初的英美诗人和诗歌作品,共11章,每章涵盖一个历史时期的诗人和诗歌作品,全面展示英美诗坛的辉煌成就,是英语专业高年级诗歌选读教程的首选教材。 内容翔实:“作者介绍”、“作品注释”、“思考题”、“参考译文”及“作品分析”一应俱全。 实用性强:“诗歌基础知识”系统介绍诗歌的种类、音韵、节奏、修辞手法、意象和象征、用词和用典等鉴赏常识。 深度挖掘:在注重诗歌可读性的同时,也注重其对“问题”的探讨,颇具现实意义。 目录 Part 1 British Poetry Chapter 1 Renaissance and 16th-Century Poetry Edmund Spenser (1552--1599) Elizabethan Love Poets (Christopher Marlowe & Sir Walter Ralegh) William Shakespeare (1564--- 1616) Thomas Campion (1567-- 1690) Thomas Nashe (1567--1601) Elements of Poetry: Types of Poetry (1) Chapter 2 The Civil War and Early 17th-Century Poetry John Donne (1572--1631) Ben Jonson (1572--1637) Robert Herrick (1591--1674) George Herbert (1593--1633) John Milton (1608-- 1674) Andrew Marvell (1621-- 1678) Elements of Poetry: Types of Poetry (2) Chapter 3 Neocliassicism and 18th-Century Poetry John Dryden (1631--1700) J0nathon Swift (1667--1745) Alexander Pope (1688-- 1744) Thomas Gray (1716--1771) Robert Burns (1759--1796) Elements of Poetry: Alfiterafio,Assonance and consonance Chapter 4 Romanticism and Early 19th-Century Poetry William Blake (1757--1827) William Wordsworth (1770-- 1850) George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788--1824) Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792--1822) John Keats (1795--1821) Elements of Poetry: Rhyme Chapter 5 Social Progress and Late 19th-Century Poetry Alfred Tennyson (1809--1892) Robert Browning (1812-- 1889) Matthew Arnold (1822--1888) Victorian Women Poets (Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Christina Rossetti & Emily Bronte ) Rudyard Kipling (1865-- 1936) Elements of Poetry: Rhythm and Meter (1) Chapter 6 Modernism and Early 20th-Century Poetry Thomas Hardy (1840-- 1928) A. E. Housman (1859--1936) The First World War Poets (Rupert Brooke, Siegfreid Sassoon, Wilfred Owen, Isaac Rosenberg) William Butler Yeats (1865--1939) W H. Auden (1907--1973) Dylan Thomas (1914--1953) Elements of Poetry: Rhythm and Meter (2) Chapter 7 World War II and Late 20th-Century Poetry Philip Larkin (1922--1985) Ted Hughes (1930--1998) Seamus Heaney (1939- Douglas Dunn (1942-- ) Liz Lochhead (1947-- ) PaulMuldoon (1951-- ) Carol Ann Duffy (1955- Elements of Poetry: Image and Symbol Part 2 American Poetry Chapter 8 The Colonial Period and Early American Poetry Chapter 9 Transcendentalism and 19th-Century American Poetry Chapter 10 Modernism and American Poetry between the World Wars Chapter 11 Post-Modernism and American Poetry After World War Ⅱ |
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