Moll Flanders is one of the best-selling novels of all time. This Norton Critical Edition is again based on the first edition text (1722), the only text known to be Defoe’s own. It is accompanied by detailed explanatory annotations and the editor’s essay outlining the novel’s textual history.
“Contexts” collects related documents on criminal transport, contemporary accounts of lives of crime, and colonial laws as they applied to servants, slaves, and runaways.“Criticism” includes eleven interpretations by Juliet McMaster, Everett Zimmerman, Maximillian E. Novak, Henry Knight Miller, Ian A. Bell, Carol Kay, Paula B. Backscheider, John Rietz, Ann Louise Kibbie, John Richetti, and Ellen Pollak.A Chronology and Selected Bibliography are also included.
The Text of Moll Flanders
Facsimile title page(1722)
Ther Preface
The History and Misfortunes Of the Famous Moll Flanders, &C.
A Textual Problem in Moll Flanders
Daniel Defoe—[Benefits of Transportation]
[Moll’s Final Years in Ireland]
The Life of James Mac-Faul, Husband to Moll Flanders, &c.
Francis Kirkman—[The Counterfeit Lady Unveiled]
Alexander Smith—[The Golden Farmer, A Murderer and Highway-man]
[Whitney, A Highway-man]
[Moll Raby, a House-breaker]
[Anne Holland, a Pick-pocket]
[Capt. James Hind, Murderer and Highway-man]
[Moll Cutpurse, a Pick-pocket and Highwaywoman]
[Virginia Laws on Servants]
[Maryland Laws on Servants, Slaves, and Runaways]
Juliet McMaster—The Equation of Love and Money in Moll Flanders
Everett Zimmerman—Moll Flanders: Parodies of Respectability
Maximillian E. Novak—“Unweary’d Traveller” and “Indifferent Monitor”: Openness and Complexity in Moll Flanders
Henry Knight Miller—Some Reflections on Defoe’s Moll Flanders and the Romance Tradition
Ian A. Bell—Moll Flanders, Crime and Comfort
Carol Kay—Moll Flanders: Political Woman
Paula R. Backscheider—The Crime Wave and Moll Flanders
John Rietz—Criminal Ms-Representation: Moll Flanders and Female Criminal Biography
Ann Louise Kibbie—[The Birth of Capital in Defoe’s Moll Flanders]
John Richetti—[Freedom and Necessity, Improvisation and Fate in Moll Flanders]
Ellen Pollak—Moll Flanders, Incest, and the Structure of Exchange
Daniel Defoe: A Chronology
Selected Bibliography