内容推荐 本书与外研版初中英语教材完全配套,以单元特训和阶段测评为基本框架,通过设置一些有针对性的专题阅读和特色板块,强化了提优训练的深度和广度,从而构建了一个较为科学、合理的提优训练体系,彰显了本书“同步提优,精准提优,高阶提优”的策划理念。 本书从大量的最新同步检测题、中考题中精选素材,同时注重独家原创,题目设置力求能覆盖相应单元和阶段的重点、难点和易错点,突出提优点;全书通过单元拔尖、模块整合拓展、学霸新视野、拔尖测评等板块,引导学生逐步提升综合运用能力和应试能力,帮助学生取得良好的提优训练效果。 本书根据全国各地中考改革大趋势和选材特点,有针对性地设置“学霸新视野”板块,题源方面,注重从权威英文图书和报刊上精选语言地道、内容经典的时文、原版阅读素材:内容方面,注重对英语学科核心素养理念的渗透。此外,本书答案全面、详细,解析准确、规范,便于学生自查自纠。同时,本书还对某些典型题、重难题配设讲解小视频(二维码),以利于学生自主学习、自我提升。 目录 Module 1 Wonders of the world Unit 1 It's more than 2,000 years old. Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big. 第1课时 第2课时 Unit 3 Language in use 语法专题特训 写作专题特训 模块整合拓展 学霸新视野 时文阅读 外刊阅读 Module 1拔尖测评 Module 2 Pulic holidays Unit 1 My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins. Unit 2 We have celebrated the festival sinc the first pioneers arrived in America. 第1课时 第2课时 Unit 3 Language in use 语法专题特训 写作专题特训 模块整合拓展 学霸新视野 时文阅读 外刊阅读 Module 2拔尖测评 Module 3 Heroes Unit 1 She trained hard,So she became a great player later. Unit 2 There were few doctors,So he had to work very hard on his own. 第1课时 第2课时 Unit 3 Language in use 语法专题特训 写作专题特训 模块整合拓展 学霸新视野 时文阅读 外刊阅读 Module 3拔尖测评 Module 4 Home alone Unit 1 1 can look after myself,although it won't be easy for me. Unit 2 I became so bored with their orders that 1 wished they would leave me alone. 第1课时 第2课时 Unit 3 Language in use 语法专题特训 写作专题特训 模块整合拓展 学霸新视野 时文阅读 外刊阅读 Module 4拔尖测评 Module 5 Museums Unit 1 Don't cross that rope! Unit 2 If you ever go to London,make sure you visit the Science Museum. 第1课时 第2课时 Unit 3 Language in use 语法专题特训 写作专题特训 模块整合拓展 学霸新视野 时文阅读 外刊阅读 Module 5拔尖测评 Module 6 Problems Unit 1 If I start after dinner,I'll finish it before I go to bed. Unit 2 If you tell him the truth now,you will show that you are honest. 第1课时 第2课时 Unit 3 Language in use 语法专题特训 写作专题特训 模块整合拓展 学霸新视野 时文阅读 外刊阅读 Module 6拔尖测评 期中拔尖测评 Module 7 Great books Unit 1 We're still influenced by Confucius ideas Unit 2 It is still read and loved 第1课时 第2课时 Unit 3 Language in use 语法专题特训 写作专题特训 模块整合拓展 学霸新视野 时文阅读 外刊阅读 Module 7拔尖测评 Module 8 Sport life Unit 1 Darning wasn't chosen for the team last time Unit 2 He was invited to competitions around the world 第1课时 第2课时 Unit 3 Language in use 语法专题特训 写作专题特训 模块整合拓展 学霸新视野 时文阅读 外刊阅读 Module 8拔尖测评 Module 9 Great inventions Unit 1 Will computers be used more than books in the future? Unit 2 Will books be replaced by the Internet? 第1课时 第2课时 Unit 3 Language in use 语法专题特训 写作专题特训 模块整合拓展 学霸新视野 时文阅读 外刊阅读 Module 9拔尖测评 Module 10 Australia Unit 1 I have some photos that I took in Australia last year. Unit 2 The game that they like most is Australian football. 第1课时 第2课时 Unit 3 Language in use 语法专题特训 写作专题特训 模块整合拓展 学霸新视野 时文阅读 外刊阅读 Module 10拔尖测评 Module 11 Photos Unit l He's the boy who won the photo competition last year! Unit 2 The photo which we liked best was taken by Zhao Min. 第1课时 第2课时 Unit 3 Language in use 语法专题特训 写作专题特训 模块整合拓展 学霸新视野 时文阅读 外刊阅读 Module 11拔尖测评 Module 12 Save our world Unit 1 If everyone starts to do something the world will be saved. Unit 2 Repeat these three words daily reduce,reuse and recyele. 第1课时 第2课时 Unit 3 Language in use 语法专题特训 写作专题特训 模块整合拓展 学霸新视野 时文阅读 外刊阅读 Module 12拔尖测评 期末拔尖测评 晨读手册(另册) 答案与解析(另册) |