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出版社 Longman

Man's complex relationship to planet Earth is explored in this second edition of the landmark anthology edited by Frank Rhodes and Bruce Malamud. This volume provides a portrait of the planet as experienced not just by scientists, but by artists, aviators, poets, philosophers, novelists, historians, and sociologists as well.

A unique collection that bridges the gap between science and humanities

Contains writings by scientists, artists, aviators, poets, philosophers, novelists, historians, and sociologists including Charles Darwin, Dane Picard, Rachel Carson, John Muir, Mark Twain and Archibald Geikie

Represents the human experience over the centuries, covering a span of 2,500 years

Reflects the planet's extraordinary physical diversity

The previous edition was voted one of the 25 'Great Books of Geology' by readers of the Journal of Geological Education



Preface from the first edition

Acknowledgments from the first edition

Part Ⅰ: The Earth Experienced

1. Eyewitness Accounts of Earth Events

 1.1. John McPhee: Los Angeles Against the Mountains

 1.2. Gordon Gaskill: The Night the Mountain Fell

 1.3. R.G. McConnell and R.W. Brock: The Turtle Mountain Slide

 1.4. Voltaire: Candide

 1.5. James R. Newman: The Lisbon Earthquake

 1.6. Mary Austin: The Temblor

 1.7. Jonathan Weiner: The Alaskan Good Friday Earthquake

 1.8. Francis P. Shepard: Tsunami

 1.9. Haroun Tazieff: Not a Very Sensible Place for a Stroll

 1.10. Fairfax Downey: Last Days of St Pierre

 1.11. Hans Cloos: Beacons on the Passage Out

 1.12. Jon Thorlakson: Eruption of the ?raefaj?kull, 1727

2. Exploration

 2.1. Charles Darwin: The Voyage of the Beagle

 2.2. Simon Winchester: The Map that Changed the World

 2.3. John Wesley Powell: The Exploration of the Colorado River

 2.4. William H. Brewer: Mono Lake-Aurora-Sonora Pass

 2.5. George F. Sternberg: Thrills in Fossil Hunting

 2.6. John E. Pfeiffer: The Creative Explosion

 2.7. George Gaylord Simpson: Attending Marvels: a Patagonian Journal

 2.8. Robert D. Ballard: Explorations

 2.9. Louise B. Young: The Blue Planet

3. Geologists are also Human

 3.1. Stephen Drury: Stepping Stones

 3.2. Elizabeth O.B. Gordon: William Buckland

 3.3. Hugh Miller: The Old Red Sandstone

 3.4. Sir Archibald Geikie: A Long Life's Work

 3.5. Frank H.T. Rhodes: Life, Time, and Darwin

 3.6. R.A. Bartlett: King's Formative Years

 3.7. M.E. David: With Shackleton in the Antarctic

 3.8. William H. Goetzmann: The Great Diamond Hoax

 3.9. Luna B. Leopold, Paul D. Komar, and Vance Haynes: Sand, Wind, and War

 3.10. Hans Cloos: Ship's Wake

4. Celebrities

 4.1. H. Stommel: Benjamin Franklin and the Gulf Stream

 4.2. Thomas Clements: Leonardo da Vinci as a Geologist

 4.3. R. Magnus: Mineralogy, Geology, Meteorology

 4.4. E.T. Martin: Megalonyx, Mammoth, and Mother Earth

 4.5. William A. Stanley: Three Short, Happy Months

 4.6. W.G. Collingwood: Mountain-Worship

 4.7. Herbert C. Hoover: Stanford University, 1891-1895

Part Ⅱ: Interpreting the Earth

5. Philosophy

 5.1. James Hutton: Concerning the System of the Earth, its Duration and Stability

 5.2. T.C. Chamberlin: The Method of Multiple Working Hypotheses

 5.3. George G. Simpson: Historical Science

 5.4. Stephen Jay Gould: What is a Species?

 5.5. Christine Turner: Messages in Stone

 5.6. Marcia G. Bj?rnerud: Natural Science, Natural Resources, and the Nature of Nature

 5.7. Ian Stewart: Does God Play Dice?

6. The Fossil Record

 6.1. Frank H.T. Rhodes: Earth and Man

 6.2. Donald Culross Peattie: Flowering Earth

 6.3. Robert Claiborne: Habits and Habitats

 6.4. James A. Michener: Diplodocus, the Dinosaur

 6.5. Berton Roueché: A Window on the Oligocene

 6.6. Samantha Weinberg: A Fish Caught in Time

 6.7. Richard E. Leakey: Ape-like Ancestors

 6.8. Loren Eiseley: The Relic Men

7. Geotectonics

 7.1. James A. Michener: From the Boundless Deep & the Birth of the Rockies

 7.2. Anna Grayson: When Pigs Ruled the Earth

 7.3. David Attenborough: The Living Planet

 7.4. William Glen: The Road to Jaramillo

 7.5. J. Tuzo Wilson: Mao's Almanac: 3,000 years of Killer Earthquakes

 7.6. Richard H. Jahns: Geologic Jeopardy

8. Controversies

 8.1. William Irvine: Apes, Angels, and Victorians

 8.2. William L. Straus, Jr.: The Great Piltdown Hoax

 8.3. Howard S. Miller: Fossils and Free Enterprisers

 8.4. Charles Officer and Jake Page: The K-T Extinction

 8.5. Sir Archibald Geikie: The Founders of Geology

 8.6. Don E. Wilhelms: To a Rocky Moon

 8.7. Edward Schreiber and Orson L. Anderson: Properties and Composition of Lunar Materials: Earth Analogies

 8.8. Joel L. Swerdlow: CFCs

Part Ⅲ: Language of the Earth

9. Prose

 9.1. Isak Dinesen: Out of Africa

 9.2. T.E. Lawrence: Seven Pillars of Wisdom

 9.3. Ernest Hemingway: Green Hills of Africa

 9.4. Antoine de St Exupéry: Wind, Sand and Stars

 9.5. John Fowles: The French Lieutenant's Woman

 9.6. John Muir: Trip to the Middle and North Forks of San Joaquin River

 9.7. Mark Twain: Roughing It

 9.8. Thomas Fairchild Sherman: A Place on the Glacial Till

 9.9. John McPhee: Basin and Range

 9.10. John Darnton: Neanderthal

 9.11. Kim Stanley Robinson: Antarctica

 9.12. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: The Lost World

10. Poetry

 10.1. Sir Archibald Geikie: Landscape and Literature

 10.2. William Wordsworth: The Excursion

 10.3. Voltaire: The Lisbon Earthquake

 10.4. C.S. Rafinesque: The Fountains of the Earth

 10.5. Timothy A. Conrad: To a Trilobite

 10.6. A.E. Housman: A Shropshire Lad

 10.7. Andrew C. Lawson: Mente et Malleo

 10.8. John Stuart Blackie: Selected poems

 10.9. Kenneth Rexroth: Lyell's Hypothesis Again

 10.10. A.R. Ammons: Selected poems

 10.11. Charles Simic: Stone

 10.12. J.T. Barbarese: Fossils

 10.13. Jane Hirshfield: Rock

 10.14. W. Scott McLean, Eldridge M. Moores, and David A. Robertson: Poetry Matters: Gary Snyder

 10.15. The Book of Job: Where Shall Wisdom be Found?

11. Art

 11.1. Jacquetta Hawkes: A Land: Sculpture

 11.2. Jack Burnham: Beyond Modern Sculpture

 11.3. Elizabeth C. Childs: Time's Profile: John Wesley Powell, Art, and Geology at the Grand Canyon

 11.4. R.A. Bartlett: Thomas Moran: American Landscape Painter

 11.5. Diane Ackerman: Earth Calling

Part Ⅳ: The Crowded Planet

12. Human History

 12.1. John D. Ridge: Minerals and World History

 12.2. Jacquetta Hawkes: A Land: Architecture

 12.3. Donald F. Eschman and Melvin G. Marcus: The Geologic and Topographic Setting of Cities

 12.4. Douglas W. Johnson: Topography and Strategy in the War

 12.5. John McPhee: Geology and Crime

 12.6. Kenneth E.F. Watt: Tambora and Krakatau

 12.7. Lord Ritchie-Calder: Mortgaging the Old Homestead

 12.8. Harlow Shapley: Breathing the Future and the Past

13. Resources

 13.1. Rachel L. Carson: Wealth from the Salt Seas

 13.2. Charles F. Park, Jr: Minerals, People, and the Future

 13.3. M. Dane Picard: The Bingham Canyon Pit

 13.4. John G.C.M. Fuller: The Geological Attitude

 13.5. Michel T. Halbouty: Geology - for Human Needs

14. Benevolent Planet

 14.1. James Lovelock: GAIA

 14.2. Fritjof Capra: The Web of Life

 14.3. Charles Morgan: Remember the Land

 14.4. Gabriele Kass-Simon: Rachel Carson: The Idea of Environment

 14.5. Rachel Carson: Silent Spring

 14.6. S. George Philander: Who is El Ni?o?

 14.7. National Research Council: Essay on the Earth Sciences

 14.8. Diana Ackerman: The Round Walls of Home

 14.9. Ernest Zebrowski, Jr: The Butterfly Effect

 14.10. Carl Sagan: Pale Blue Dot







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