romance UK [rəʊ'mænts/ UK ['rəʊ.mænts] US [roʊ'mænts] noun IMPROVER countable ■a close, usually short relationship of love between two people (通常短暂的)恋爱关系,罗曼史,风流韵事•They got married last year after a whirlwind (= very short and unexpected) romance.一段闪电式恋爱后,他们去年就结了婚。 •It was just a holiday romance.那只是假期中的一场浪漫恋情而已。 •Office romances are usually a bad idea.一般说来,和办公室的同事搞风流韵事可不怎么好。 IMPROVER uncountable ■when you feel love for and are sexually attracted to someone 爱意;爱情;浪漫•I felt as though all the romance had gone out of my marriage.我感到自己的婚姻已经完全失去了浪漫的感觉。 uncountable ■the feeling of excitement or mystery that you have from a particular experience or event 传奇色彩;浪漫氛围•He loves the romance of travelling on a steam train.他喜欢乘蒸汽火车旅行的那种浪漫感觉。 countable ■a story about love 爱情故事•a historical romance历史爱情故事 •She loves reading romances.她喜欢读爱情故事。 countable ■a story of exciting events, especially one written or set in the past (尤指旧时创作或以古代为背景的)传奇故事•medieval romances中世纪传奇故事 UK [rəʊ'mænts/ UK ['rəʊ.mænts] US [roʊ'mænts] verb intransitive ■to tell stories that are not true, or to describe an event in a way that makes it sound better than it was 虚构;夸大 transitive old-fashioned ■to try to persuade someone to love you 向…求爱,追求 |