Crime scene analysts do have an important role to play,however. Science has rapidly added a whole new dimension to gathering and assessing evidence. Modern crime labs can match a hair of a murder suspect to one found on a murder victim,for example, or recover a latent fingerprint from a threatening letter, or use a powerful microscope to match tool marks made during the wiring of an explosive device to a tool in a suspect's possession.
Crime solving is painstaking, but modern methods and technological advances have significantly changed the field of criminal investigation. Clues to crimes both spectacular and ordinary can now be found in the tiniest bits of evidence thanks to cutting-edge forensic techniques. Crime Scene Investigations examines the fascinating world of the criminal investigator and other professionals who are on the front line of solving today's (and some of yesterday's) most notorious crimes. All books feature crime statistics, career information, explanations of crime-solving techniques, and crime-busting facts. In addition, bibliographies for further research,full-color photographs, charts, and a detailed index are also included.
A Criminal's Touch
Chapter One
Identity by Fingers
Chapter Two
The Search for Hidden Prints
Chapter Three
Making an Identification
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Fingerprints, Past and Future
For More Information
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About the Author