Chapter 1 Digital System Design Automation with Verilog
1.1 Digital Design Flow
1.1.1 Design entry
1.1.2 Testbench in Verilog
1.t.3 Design validation..:
1.1.4 Compilation and synthesis
1.1.5 Postsynthesis simulation
1.1.6 Timing analysis
1.1.7 Hardware generation
1.2 Verilog HDL
1.2.1 Verilog evolution
1.2.2 Verilog attributes
1.2.3 The Verilog language
1.3 Summary
Suggested Reading
Chapter 2 Register Transfer Level Design with Verilog
2.1 RT Level Design
2.1.1 Control/data partitioning
2.1.2 Data part
2.1.3 Control part
2.2 Elements of Verilog
2.2.1 Hardware modules
2.2.2 Primitive instantiations
2.2.3 Assign statements
2.2.4 Conditional expression
2.2.5 Procedural blocks
2.2.6 Module instantiations
2.3 Component Description in Verilo
2.3.1 Data components
2.3.2 Controllers
2.4 Testbenches
2.4.1 A simple tester
2.4.2 Tasks and functions
2.5 Summary
Suggested Reading
Chapter 3 Verilog Language Concepts
3.1 Characterizing Hardware Languages
3.1.1 Timing
3.1.2 Concurrency
3.1.3 Timing and concurrency example
3.2 Module Basics
3.2.1 Code format
3.2.2 Logic value system
3.2.3 Wires and variables
3.2.4 Modules
3.2.5 Module ports
3.2.6 Names
3.2.7 Numbers
3.2.8 Arrays
3.2.9 Verilog operators
3.2.10 Verilog data types
3.2.11 Array indexing
3.3 Verilog Simulation Model
3.3.1 Continuous assignments
3.3.2 Procedural assignments
3.4 Compiler Directives
3.4.1 "timescale
3.4.2 "default_nettype
3.4.3 "include
3.4.4 "define
3.4.5 "ifdef, "else, "endif
3.4.6 "unconnected_drive
3.4.7 "celldef'me, "endcelldefme
3.4.8 "resetall
3.5 System Tasks and Functions
3.5.1 Display tasks
3.5.2 File I/O tasks
3.5.3 Timescale tasks
3.5.4 Simulation control tasks
3.5.5 Timing check tasks
3.5.6 PLA modeling tasks
3.5.7 Conversion functions for reals
3.5.8 Other tasks and functions
3.6 Summary
Suggested Reading
Chapter 4 Combinational Circuit Description
4.1 Module Wires
4.1.1 Ports
4.1.2 Interconnections
4.1.3 Wire values and timing
4.1.4 A simple testbench
4.2 Gate Level Logic
4.2.1 Gate primitives
4.2.2 User defined primitives
4.2.3 Delay formats
4.2.4 Module parameters
4.3 Hierarchical Structures
4.3.1 Simple hierarchies
4.3.2 Vector declarations
4.3.3 Iterative structures
4.3.4 Module path delay
4.4 Describing Expressions with Assign Statements
4.4.1 Bitwise operators
4.4.2 Concatenation operators
4.4.3 Vector operations
4.4.4 Conditional operation
4.4.5 Arithmetic expressions in assignments
4.4.6 Functions in expressions
4.4.7 Bus structures
4.4.8 Net declaration assignment
4.5 Behavioral Combinational Descriptions
4.5.1 Simple procedural blocks
4.5.2 Timing control
4.5.3 Intra-assignment delay
4.5.4 Blocking and nonblocking assignments
4.5.5 Procedural if-else
4.5.6 Procedural case statement
4.5.7 Procedural for statement
4.5.8 Procedural while loop
4.5.9 A multilevel description
4.6 Combinational Synthesis
4.6.1 Gate level synthesis
4.6.2 Synthesizing continuous assignments
4.6.3 Behavioral synthesis
4.6.4 Mixed synthesis
4.7 Summary
Suggested Reading
Chapter 5 Sequential Circuit Description
5.1 Sequential Models
5.1.1 Feedback model
5.1.2 Capacitive model
5.1.3 Implicit model
5.2 Basic Memory Components
5.2.1 Gate level primitives
5.2.2 User defined sequential primitives
5.2.3 Memory elements using assignments
5.2.4 Behavioral memory elements
5.2.5 Flip-Hop timing
5.2.6 Memory vectors and arrays
5.3 Functional Registers
5.3.1 Shift registers
5.3.2 Counters
5.3.3 LFSR and MISR
5.3.4 Stacks and queues
5.4 State Machine Coding
5.4.1 Moore machines
5.4.2 Mealy machines
5.4.3 Huffman coding style
5.4.4 A more modular style
5.4.5 A ROM based controller
5.5 Sequential Synthesis
5.5.1 Latch models
5.5.2 Flip-flop models
5.5.3 Memory initialization
5.5.4 General sequential circuit synthesis
5.6 Summary
Suggested Reading
Chapter 6 Component Test and Verification
6.1 Testbench
6.1.1 Combinational circuit testing
6.1.2 Sequential circuit testing
6.2 Testbench Techniques
6.2.1 Test data
6.2.2 Simulation control
6.2.3 Limiting data sets
6.2.4 Applying synchronized data
6.2.5 Synchronized display of results
6.2.6 An interactive testbench
6.2.7 Random time intervals .
6.2.8 Buffered data application
6.3 Design Verification
6.4 Assertion Verification
6.4.1 Assertion verification benefits
6.4.2 Open Verification Library
6.4.3 Using assertion monitors
6.4.4 Assertion templates
6.5 Text Based Testbenches
6.6 Summary
Suggested Reading
Chapter 7 Detailed Modeling
7.1 Switch Level Modeling
7.1.1 Switch level primitives
7.1.2 The basic switch
7.1.3 CMOS gates
7.1.4 Pass gate logic
7.1.5 Switch level memory elements
7.2 Strength Modeling
7.2.1 Strength values
7.2.2 Strength used in resolution
7.2.3 Strength reduction
7.3 Summary
Suggested Reading
Chapter 8 RT Level Design and Test
8.1 Sequential Multiplier
8.1.1 Shift-and-add multiplication process
8.1.2 Sequential multiplier design
8.1.3 Multiplier testing
8.2 von Neumann Computer Model
8.2.1 Processor and memory model
8.2.2 Processor model specification
8.2.3 Designing the adding CPU
8.2.4 Design of datapath
8.2.5 Control part design
8.2.6 AddingCPU Verilog description
8.2.7 Testing adding CPU
8.3 CPU Design and Test
8.3.1 Details of processor functionality
8.3.2 SAYEH datapath
8.3.3 SAYEH Verilog description
8.3.4 SAYEH top-level testbench
8.3.5 Sorting test program
8.3.6 SAYEH hardware realization
8.4 Summary
Suggested Reading
Appendix A List of Keywords
Appendix B Frequently Used System Tasks and Functions
Appendix C Compiler Directives
Appendix D Verilog Formal Syntax Definition
Appendix E Verilog Assertion Monitors